
Why are there so many stupid people here in the US.?

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I just mean there's a lack of common sense and people just don't seem to care about looking up facts before they start forming opinions. Everyone here seems to just want "candy" and not take in what they need. Most people seem to think high school is all you ever need to know in the world and that the rest is up to some fairy in the sky.




  1. Because in USA means  "u sue anyone" people don't follow the rules and regulations and we as professionals just do as told and follow the law. If we can't do it then we can't do because we don't want to be held responsible for their stupidity and get slam with a lawsuit. They expect us to give them everything they want and not realizing we're trying our best to help them but they don't appreciate it and understand that we can't just do what they say.  

  2. In truth, I can think of some "general" criticisms for most of the countries I've visited.  But that's another thread.  The most common argument against Americans is that we are out of touch with the rest of the world - we seldom travel to other countries, we're geographically isolated and we're reading less and less, opting for less "educational" activities.  I can't say that I know ANY people who feel that high school is "all you ever need to know".  That's scary.  You probably need to find some smarter friends.  Complacency leads to ignorance and I think this rings true for the US right now.  

    By "fairy in the sky" I'm assuming you mean destiny, God, spirituality, etc.  And yes, it's pathetic when people pick "hope" over logic.  Sadly, I've traveled a lot and found very few places where the people are noticeably SMARTER than Americans.  

    P.S. If you feel like the people surrounding you are stupid, there's a fair chance that you're just smart and have high expectations.  Sorry about your luck, lol.

  3. Hello,

    You can hardly expect 99.0% of 300 million people to be Ivy League debaters and graduates with the finesse of William Buckley Jr.


    Michael Kelly

  4. Intelligence comes on an individual basis. Education is only what you are willing to make of it and is not necessarily pertinent to individual achievement but in most cases it is essential for success. Thomas Edison only had a 4th grade education but was born with a gifted, ambitious and curious mind.

    Remember, those who can, do. Those who can't, teach and those who can't teach, teach gym.

  5. because of congress

  6. It all started with the Bush administrations education policy.

  7. Because of our leaders,over population,and many more scenarios.

  8. im guessing your not from the U.S. thats ok, entitled to your opinion. but dont judge the US based on how the media perceives it. the US is a huge country with alot of people, and many of those people are never shown in the limelight. so to judge a country of 300 million people, by only seeing a fraction of it, its well stupid to do so.  

  9. I blame Christianity and general laziness.

  10. I totally agree with you.  The USA has been lacking responsibility over the hundreds of years.  We may be the most complex country, but It gives U.S. citizens to rely on anything but them self.  I mean look at how greedy we are, and destructive and everything.  I mean there are many ways it could have started, but I think its because once one person relies on someone for everything, like they start making them solve there problems, and use their knowledge instead of their own, they start to just give up on them self, and use the other person for everything.  And once one person starts to do it, other people realize how they cant cheat their way out of, well, pretty much life, and it just starts to get more lacking, and more people just become stupid.

    I know it sounds harsh, but once you start to use other people, your knowledge will fail you.

  11. Unfortunately, people are lazy.

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