
Why are there so many thieves in dallas texas?

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i don't like that people speak about robberies in dallas texas with so

much naturality like if they where already use to it,or do they accept it?

do they approve it?




  1. I lived in Dallas Texas for 10 years, and I agree with you that there are a lot a thieves in the area.  Somehow, these robberies don't appear on the national crime statistics, and I sure don't know how they keep it out.

    One of the reasons for so much theft is because of the high number of illegal aliens living in the city.

    The first thing I experienced was my auto insurance costing triple over the state I moved from.  When I asked why, they said because of the theft of autos.  It seems a lot of illegal aliens come into the area and need to get around for jobs.  There is no real public transportation, so the only way is by car.  They are illegal and can't afford a car, so they steal them.  They've had little driving experience, then wreck the cars, then run away so they won't get caught.  There were abandoned autos on Central Expressway practically daily.  On two different occasions, the car I was riding in was hit by Mexican drivers and they just drove off.  One time, the guy I was riding with chased the other vehicle down, and they pulled a gun on him.

    The illegals are poor and stealing is the best way to get what they want.  I had some camping equipment sitting on my patio drying out in the sun.  When I came home, it was gone; then I found out the yard men had been there that day.  I had a 4 foot rock fence behind the patio, but that didn't stop them from stealing a large tent, cooler, stove, lantern and box of cooking gear.  They had to make several trips to carry it all; but they were bold enough to do it.

    The illegals know that if they are close to getting caught doing anything, they can just skip to Mexico and it will all blow over.

    Do I think we should confer citizenship on illegals --NO.  My experience in Dallas taught me that they aren't really interested in joining the American culture; they are just here for the money.  Their loyalties are to Mexico and always will be.

  2. DRUGS.

    Steal to pay for drugs, and steal everyday, to keep on paying for their habit.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  3. Because of the illegal Mexicans that live down there..

  4. poor

  5. oh I know...I went to Dallas in 04 and befriended this guy in a bar and he stole my 80 dollar Tommy Hilfiger watch....I was so mad!!! His name is if you run into a guy named Cody in the DFW cautious

  6. Incompetent/Corrupt law enforcers

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