
Why are there so many trolls on the message boards?

by  |  earlier

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They killed chat, now they've killed the message boards. They're working on trashing Answers. And I can't kill them just by ignoring them, really--If you don't feed them, they start feeding each other.

What can we do about them? I want discussion and reasoning by people with real working brains back on the boards. If I can't find a single part of Yahoo that isn't full of trolls, with not one person worth talking to, I'm leaving the d**n' place for good. That ought to show the Yahoo company the consequences of caring more about profits than consumer satisfaction. Sorry, I'm just sick of it. They can say what they want--they aren't doing ANYTHING about the trolls--report them and they just come back with an extra letter in the screen name or something.




  1. you are so correct i tell you what i do i get a lot of stupid ignorant silly individuals contacting me and i tell them off so bad they feel so stupid that if they do add another letter to their name -Guess what they come back to me with full respect and they admire me so what works is that you tell them to come correct and to show self respect not nonsense and you know what 100 Percent of those whom has changed there name being i reported them as spam and placed them on my ignore list they show 100 percent respect to me!

    i demand it i give it!

    confront them with love and hard discipline and show them with example you are better than to tolerate the nonsense

  2. yahoo is an immense portal god knows how many servers they have. its obvious a few trolls are going to get in. trace ip and banning that ip takes a lot of man hours and staff, plus the original ip could be on a proxy. as long as nothing illegal is said then a blind eye is the norm.

  3. Because there are more trolls than there are bridges to live under.

    Ride a city bus

    And you'll agree,

    The wrong people

    Practice celibacy.

  4. It's not just Yahoo. It's every message board on the internet. I'm on one right now where a troll is telling a 14 year old      she's getting ra.ped tonite. =/ (sorry couldn't think of any other way to say it) For some reason they think they're cool and keep doing stuff like that. It's annoying but it's not too hard to ignore it.

  5. The benefit of forums is to get an answer to important questions or sometimes to get a quick answer.  

    If you don't have an important question like how to fix a drain clog or how to discipline your child, then forums isn't going to have a lot of meaning for you.  If you don't have a lot of life experience and wisdom to share, the forum will lack meaning for you.

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