
Why are there so many troubled people on here?

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Why are there so many troubled people on here?




  1. because the world is troubled, yet if we all help at least 1 other person rather than making bad comments then we can make a huge difference, not just on here, do little things to help others, they may not allways be aprichiative, but working as one we can change the world for the better and share the burdens of man.

  2. they have too many problems so they come here. like me.

  3. Because they can not share this problems anywhere .this is the only place where you can get lots of advise without wasting a single money.sometimes problems are not big enough to waste money on psychiatric and if it is, you can get the advise to see a doctor.

  4. If they are not troubled, why would they get on here in the first place. They are looking for help.

  5. People are always looking for answers to life's questions.  Why are you on here?????

  6. yow, moo people have problems, they seek help,  there's genuinely good help here and its cheep it only cost 5 points. plus you get the chance to meet friends, similar sick people, gurus, witch doctors,demon chasers,ghost busters, wanna bees, know-it-alls and sympathetic humans. you also get to cuss a few which helps to relieve stress. that why you're here isn't it.

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