
Why are there so many unsuccessful marriages but not in Islam?

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Like there are so many divorce rates in our society but in Islam, there are less dirvorce rates.

Why is that?




  1. Well because most of them dont trust each other enough,,,,,,and then they cheat on each other and lie all the time


    Ramadan Mubarak!

  2. in islamic countries marriage is arranged. often the bride has never got to know the husband to be. women are not allowed in most islamic countries to apply for divorce and often bribe their husbands to divorce them.  the suicide rate for women in these countries is over 100 times the rest of the world.

  3. I dont agree.

    Divorce rate in Islam is also increasing, that is because people dont practice Islam.Most of the boys and girls these days are involved in Zinah.You dont expect them to have a long successful marital life.

  4. There are many reasons.  One is that marriage is more of a sanctity among religious persons than non-religious persons.  Another reason sadly is because divorce is looked down upon so much in Islam that many women choose to stay in an unhappy marriage rather than "disgrace" her family by leaving and many women are not educated or have any job experience and would have no place to go so they stay in unhappy marriage.

  5. Islam allows divorce. You need to distinguish the religion from the social taboo that divorce is placed as in predominantly muslim countries.

    Short... its not the religion but the society.

  6. Because only men are allowed to file for divorce under sharia law. Because husbands enjoy what is effectively a right to kill their wives if they want to.

    Marriages under sharia law are successful in the same sense that cuban communism is successful. If by successful you mean long lasting and dysfunctional.

  7. because of the ease and availability of divorce, like in "no-fault" divorce

  8. In Islamic countrys women dont have the freedom of divorce. Sad but true. In the west they do! I am sure plenty of Muslim men / women get divorced in the west.

  9. Because as practising Muslims, we do everything the right way so alhamdulillah it turns out successful

  10. marriage means alot more to us than other cultures

    and divorce is like a big no no

    like i told my future huby that once we marry thats it no turning back and even if we lose interest in each other and whatever we cant divorce, i dont believe in divorce especially if there are kids only in extreme situations

  11. Culture makes it so that women and men in Islam are less likely to divorce.

    However, you made the ignorant generalisation that just because people stay together, their marriage is 'successful'.

  12. Wow a lot of people give bs answers...n e who, I think the reason why there are less divorces among people who practice islam because the meaning of marriage is very different for them.

    To most people in the west, marriage is the pact of ultimate romance, love, always and forever. For most, this "love" pretty much only means lust. People are attracted to one another based on values reflecting looks and physical desires. If you live in the west, you can see how important one's image is, and how people can easily be carried away into believing they "love" someone, when in fact it is only physical attraction, which people realize too late wears off very soon.

    Muslims on the otherhand (and by this I mean PRACTICING muslims) take marriage very differently. You can see right away from their guidlines as muslims: modesty is key to a happy life. Muslims should be modest by the way the dress, speak and act. One should be judged based off of their intellect and their iman, how good of a person they are, not how they look, whether they are man or woman. Marriage is a sacred bond, which is only broken in extreme situations. It is companionship, and should not and is not composed primarily of physical love. In the beginning I guess husband and wife will love each other in that way, but if they marry one another with the help of their parents who know each of their personalities very well, that kind of relationship will then transform into companionship and respect.

    I'm not married :) and I don't think I will be for a few years, but this is what I have observed and learned from the relationship that my parents have. When people marry, the bride and groom may not see faults of the other if they are blinded by this western sense of love and romance. But that is where the help of the parents step in: they are not blinded, and usually know who is best for their children in personality and in who they are.

    Also, if the couple aren't exactly the happiest around, divorce is still considered a very horrible thing (and it is). One does it as the very last resort.

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