
Why are there so many whites in the Springboks team when it's supposed to be from South Africa?

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Look at pictures of the Springboks team, hardly looks African doesn't it?




  1. There was programme on this morning about this. They are trying to have more in the team, but it's still a very much white dominated sport there. Plenty of blacks in Soweto play it though, it's just they are too poor, have no facilities etc

    EDIT: I posted a similar question regarding why the white AB players do the Hakar. To me it should be the Maori players who do it, it is a Maori tradition, not a white tradition. I got the same slurs tho, called racist etc.

  2. Call it what you like but its something everyone knows but decline to air openly. A few journalists have written on the glaring lack of non whites despite the fact that there is plenty of talent. Some even went to question the practice of the Boks in alloting only one slot for non whites in the team.

  3. So what?!?!?

    They have a good team and they should be proud of it.

    They dont have to look African to be African

  4. While its true what most people have answered, they haven't told the whole truth. Ever heard of apartheid? People can make so many excuses...and there are plenty of them. Fact of the matter is, apartheid might be over, but the effects of its ugliness still rules in South Africa. Many blacks in South Africa support the opposing team the boks play to spite the almost all white team. And whites prefer to play and support rugby and avoid soccer, the sport loved by blacks in South Africa.

    Glad you asked, and I'm glad I can give the honest answer. The ugliness of apartheid.

    But anyway, go bokke go. They are still a good team and at least they are trying to make amends to the previously disadvantaged. Its a start to overcoming the ugly apartheid.

  5. Great question, had to be asked.

    Difficult one to answer. If you can get your hands on a copy of "The Covenant" by James A Michener you will probably find a much better answer for yourself than you will on the answers network.

  6. It could just be because it's a sport played mainly by white people. As long as black people aren't disallowed from entering the team if they're good enough and actually want to play then there isn't a problem as far as I'm concerned.

    I heard some talk recently of enforcing quotas and actively trying to get more black people into the team. That's racist as it judges players on skin colour and not merit. Maybe they should just monitor how many (if any) black players have been denied the chance to train at clubs and improve their rugby - perhaps giving money to poorer people who find they cannot compete at the level thay want.

    If you look at other sports like heavyweight boxing and athletics you see a lot more black champions. I wonder if those same people think we should move more white people into those sports - I doubt it.

    Sport should be colourblind and about finding the best / most enthusiastic people for the given sport.

  7. I'm a South African and don't have a problem with the team. Granted, transformation is slow in our rugby but we still have one of the best teams in the world, and it would be advisable not to push transformation at the expense of quality, while at the same time excuses should not be put in the way of transformation.

  8. The population of South Africa is 43.5 million. About 45% of the population is classified as urban. South Africa has a multiracial and multiethnic population. The reason South Africa is so heterogeneous is because people came to the country from all different places such as Western Europe, South and Southeast Asia, and other parts of Africa itself. Whites make up 17% of the population and are primarily from British, Dutch, German, and French Huguenot descent. The people of Dutch ancestry known as Afrikaners or Boers make up about 60% of the white population!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. That's kind of racist, isn't it? People who live in South Africa are all different races and they are just as African as anyone else. Many of the people who live in the country have family who are Dutch.

  10. No it certainly doesn't...I personnally am glad that south africa is trying to change this and have a quota system.

    I am from the "chris rock" school of thinking... if a white guy is the best they should pick him...if there is a tossup between a white guy and a black guy, s***w the white guy...

    With all the vast priveledges that most whites still enjoy over black people  - the white guy can basically find something else to do - in this situation.

    I am white btw..

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