
Why are there so many women jealous of Mrs. Palin?

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Is it her integrity? Is it her beauty? Is it her family values?

Is it her caring heart? Her strong relationships?

What is it thats getting so many ladies so angry?




  1. It is because of everything you have listed, and her executive experience. The liberal panic is quite amusing to watch.

  2. More women are are excited about her. Heck, I`m even excited and I`m mostly male !

  3. Because shes a female version of Dan Quayle. Its the only reason McCain would pick her. We need more than what they can offer.It would seem that the GOP are taking a special interest in not taking the Presidency as a serious consideration. More of the same last eight years, apparently.Personally, I couldn't imagine her taking over for McCain if need be.

  4. probably because she is married...and many women have husbands who treat them like Sh*t

  5. They're jealous of a token? It was a slap in the face to women that McSame thinks women are stupid enough to be bought so easily.

  6. Who knows. I'm a Conservative woman and I'm so proud that McCain picked her! Her name should be by the bible verse that reads, "She will rise up and they will call her blessed." She's awesome in my book!

  7. Who's jealous? She is anti abortion and if elected Roe v wade will be overturned.

    In addition, the less than 2 year governor she isn't qualified.

    She may be a poster girl but I would not follow her if she was a 2nd Lt in the Army!

    Like they said:

    "Presidential scholars say she appears to be the least experienced, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era.

    So unconventional was McCain’s choice that it left students of the presidency literally “stunned,” in the words of Joel Goldstein, a St. Louis University law professor and scholar of the vice presidency. “Being governor of a small state for less than two years is not consistent with the normal criteria for determining who’s of presidential caliber,” said Goldstein.

    “I think she is the most inexperienced person on a major party ticket in modern history,” said presidential historian Matthew Dallek."

  8. Have not heard any jealousy the only anger I've heard is for McCain's insult on our intelligence. Also disappointment that a woman with Palin's integrity would support him in doing so. I would respect her family values more if she would spend more time with her children and help more mothers be able to spend more time with their children.

  9. From the Left??... all of the above..

  10. She has a hot figure.

  11. Why do so many men continue to only see women as shallow, jealous b*****s? You continue to try and hold us down, by withholding any credit due us for having sound minds of our own. We aren't jealous of Palin. As a woman, I recognize her achievements, but I also am full aware of the fact that those achievements, do not qualify her to step in as president if need be. We also see this for what it is, a foolish ploy to try and gain the Hillary voters.  Let me tell you, you may fool some, but you'll never fool the majority.  

  12. Um, I haven't noticed that at all.  I think a LOT of people question her credentials...and rightly so.

  13. I think John Mccain is a idiot go obama/biden 08

  14. Because they can't skin a moose, weave a fishing net, gut a deer, shoot a bear and raise 5 kids at the same time. Sounds like a very qualified candidate.  

  15. Plus here husband has a REAL job, unlike the moocher Slick Willy!

  16. she is a disgrace to women's rights. That is why women don't like her.  

  17. she iz soooooooo dizzzcusting omg i throw up when i see her.

    she iz a fAKE!!! no1 in there rite mind is jealous of her  

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