
Why are there some old men about 50 years old look like a turtle?

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I have seen quite a few old men who look just like a little turtle while standing, talking, and walking lol… Their head is sticking out to the front while standing and talk. Some of them are even worst; their upper back is curved a little and become their permanent posture. I think it is their fault because they have been sticking their head forward while talking, walking or standing for 20 or more years lol… There are so many old men in their 70 or 80 and they still can standing straight or they just have a hunched back, and I consider they are normal.




  1. im 59 and yes i may kinda resemble a turtle, i mean with my navy job, i was always amphibious,but to best give  you this meaning of life to us old guys

    Because there are so many thrity year old hot babes who know turtles can rock their world baby!!!!!

  2. Osteoporosis.  

    Be sure you're getting enough calcium and you can reduce the chances of it happening to you.

  3. Erm, not meaning to be rude, but is this really a question? (And does it have anything to do with philosophy?) Personally, I can't say that I have noticed any old men that look like turtles, (although perhaps that's because I have never seen a turtle in real life (I have on TV)) Maybe this sign of people who are 50 looking like turtles is an indication that are prematurely aging (could this be from stress?).

  4. Your heart is lovely.


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