
Why are there still self-deluded Marxists in the world?

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If you look at Russia, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, etc. we know that Marxism (and its variants) do not work in society. So why are there still self-deluded Marxists out there in the world? I prefer a capitalist system that has some controls to it.




  1. The idea of socialism is immortal. They just need contemporary sociologist that could create a new socialism theory.

  2. Why are there still self deluded capitalists?

  3. Ahh see, you're confusing things here... Namely, authoritarian communist regimes with Marxism.

    Broadly speaking, I'm a Marxist, and I like you, prefer a capitalist system with controls on it, albeit a lot more than there are currently...

    Marxism isn't communism.  Marxism is a system of looking at the world through prevailing power structures as a way of seeing how the world operates.

    Using this, Marx then saw the huge equalities inherent in capitalism (his explaination of capitalism is still taken as the best), and proposed methods for over coming this.  This then became a sort of socialist / communist blueprint, which then got mixed with Marxist-Leninism (right b*****d he was), and further changed under Stalin.  What happened in Russia in the 30's was not proposed by Marx in the slightest.

    The you group ardent nationalists (Viet Nam, Cuba, China) who all first appealed to the United States to help their national liberation, and when knocked back turned to Russia, with the Stalinst regimes of Russia and North Korea. They too are different.

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