
Why are there still stone age black people, but no stone age whites?

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If everybody started even, why this difference?




  1. Nobody started even, there may have been a "generic" race at some point, but the changes in cultures were influenced over the years by what worked best for whom. The primitive culture you refer to as stone age, was what worked best for the African cultures , they just didn't really need more to survive. European cultures have mainly been shaped through subjugation, by Greek-roman culture. Before the arrival of Roman Empire, white Europeans were just as primitive as any African tribe.

  2. I don't understand this question. What do you mean stone age?

  3. There were white people living in the stone age in the middle ages on the Canary islands, called the Guanches.


    The only stone age black people I can think of offhand are the Andamanese (Asian). There are probably more stone age native Americans in South America.

  4. what do you mean by stone age black people? i don't understand your question

  5. Geography.  If you mean primitive black people in Africa and why they are not advanced like us, it's due to their geographical area if anything.  Throughout history, Europeans shared knowledge with Asian civilizations and industrial revolution pushed this growth much more rapidly.  Africa, on the other hand, is remote and far from everyone because they're separated by deserts (Sahara, Kalahari, etc).  Shared Information, ideas, and inventions from Eurasia did not easily reach them.  Northern Africa regularly interacted with the Asians and Europeans, which is why they were able to establish advanced civilizations.   Also, even far after colonial Europeans left them stripped of their resources, their economy and agriculture is ruined.  Look at Egypt, for example.  They have the most fertile land in the world (part of the "Fertile Crescent") and they grow tobacco, which is one of their biggest exports to outside world.  In my opinion, if they erase the borders and redraw the maps in Africa with fewer and larger countries replacing them each with centralized government, will allow resources to be used efficiently and allow investment for economic grown and that will eventually lead to end extreme poverty there.

  6. I get it they don't but I did.......................

  7. You can live without the wheel but you can't live very well without....ships.  Former Navy person.

  8. It is obviously not because of physical limitations.  What does this leave?

  9. Read Jared Diamond!

    Also there are no "stone age blacks" left.

    Unless there's an as yet UNcontacted group in the PNG hihglands or Africa they have access to metal if only by trading for it!

    Define stone age blacks better please?

  10. Whites live in relatively open Northern regions.  They conquered and were conquered so many times that no primitive culture could survive.  In the tropics, some people managed to remain isolated from many of the changes that swept through Europe and much of Asia.

  11. At the time of Babel (genesis 11) there was a lot of knowledge amongst people. When the nations were split, each group likely had more or less of that knowledge. But each group would have had different knowledge and different skills.

    It takes just one generation to go from 'civilised' to 'stone age'.

    There is no such thing as stone age really. Man has never 'evolved' from basic intelligence to higher intelligence. Man has been highly intelligent since the beginning - building cities and mining metal (Genesis 4).

  12. My humble optimum is that blacks as a race are happier than whites as a race.  They find a satisfying happy way to live and stay with it.  Bless them.  Whites seem to have a drive to conquer and subdue, (inferiority complex?)  Everywhere Whites go they seem to take and conquer, and they have to evolve technology so as to be able to conquer.  They seem to be far slower in evolving emotionally and spiritually. This observation is coming from a white woman.  Note the level of technology of the Australian Aborigines, who never even developed a bow and arrow, but use a boomerang which works on an aerodynamic principle the white race only recently discovered.  By the way these people are not of the black race.  They are closer to white race than black, and don't overpopulate themselves out of their environment.  They too are a happy people when left in their own cultural surroundings, and left alone.

  13. "Before the mass global migrations of people during the last 500 years, dark skin color was mostly concentrated in the southern hemisphere near the equator and light color progressively increased further away, as illustrated in the map below. In fact, the majority of dark pigmented people lived within 20° of the equator. Most of the lighter pigmented people lived in the northern hemisphere north of 20° latitude."

    So where it's hot, there's not a need for large insulated structures. There's not a need for large tracts of land to grow. In fact there isn't much need for clothing. That pretty much explains why there are still groups living in "primitive" conditions.

    The further towards the poles you move the more clothing, structures and stuff is needed to live. Also skin color gets lighter as the sunlight is weaker and the light skin absorbs vitamin D better.

    Oh yes, whites are the minority. By just plain numbers the odds are the stone age whites wouldn't have survived.

  14. The original African digs were adequate to support that lifestyle.  But other locations were not so kindly; not only were there winters, but Ice ages and other hazards, and invention was required to cope.

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