
Why are there terrorists in the world??

by Guest21157  |  earlier

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We americans enjoy the good life, but I keep wondering why there are so many messed up governments out there in the world who are corrupt!! They don't benefit at all from our suffering and in fact they are making their own country an unlivable place. So many people want to commit suicide and destroy buildings but why?? The US doesn't do anything to arouse such controversies!!! Why are there terrorists and corrupt government they don't help anyone by being psycho! Also I heard about this man named William Sampson who was taken prisoner by the Saudi Arabians and tortured into confessing to a crime he did not commit??




  1. It is the United States that is unusual, not corrupt and evil governments.

    We live here, so we don't realize it.  But it is more amazing that the United States has developed such a good life, than that there are others that seem to care nothing for their people.

  2. I wonder if this a wind-up?

    You seem to overlook the fact that the US effectively created Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and others - because it suited the foreign policy at the time. They preferred to tacitly support Hitler in Europe in the 1930's since facism was preferable to communism - until he too became a monster.  

    I don't condone terrorism - but I can see how it happens.

    The neo-imperialism that the US practices is exactly what causes such controversies, and you have to realise that there is some resentment of the good life you describe when that has been achieved at the expense of the resources of poorer nations whose citizens think they have nothing much to lose. This is not anti-American, but it is criticism of what is being done in its name.

  3. "why there are so many messed up governments out there in the world who are corrupt!!" the usa govt is corrupt too, dont be so blind.

    "The US doesn't do anything to arouse such controversies!!!"

    ROFL PMSL you are joking, right?

    wake up.  

  4. Because these people are too ignorant and backward to deal with the world in a normal fashion. They believe the only way to get what they want is through mass murder of innocent people.

    LOL!!! Listen to the America haters drooling all over themselves...too funny!

  5. there is well proven fact that usa created bin ladin.usa supported hitler.usa used nuclear first ever on humans that is nucking japan.this all concerns us what has usa done to world? made a fake wtc crash and invaded afghanistan dropped all sorts of bombs and tested new weapons which wanted to test on human and how well they work.thats a big acheivement.then usa relizaed that usa needs oil.then usa invdaed an oil rich country iraq and ruined peace of iraq.people are being killed everyday.young girls,women were raped by american soldiers some 10,000 iraqi girls were raped by american troops which are never repoted .americans troops created havoc for iraqis but who cares? if  u r u know how iraqi prisners were treated like animals  by usa.iraqis were mentally,physically and sexually abused.and iraqis don't have electricity,power,food... usa is there for usa wants to invade iran cause it doesn't listen to usa.usa has ruined world and threatening poor countries of world.when u wonder who created terrorists "go and ask bush and the people who nuked japan" and btw i m not a muslim.i m person who has a heart that feels for humans.

  6. "The US doesn't do anything to arouse such controversies!!!"

    This lack of realism IS one of the causes that does lead to terrorism and resentments towards US! You are right the world political situation is too complex to be explained in the simplest terms. We saw this in regards to Darfur, where a lot of factors are contributing towards turning a blind eye against 'crimes against humanity'.

    However your question implies that US is completely innocent, US doesn't have anything to do with this, why would any one want to harm US?? One of the most ludicrous & idiotic statement is 'they hate us for our freedoms'. Reinforcing the complete lack of realism and ignorance.

    Fact is US has a long history of supporting and aiding these tyrants & dictators. Take for Example Iraq, it was US that armed Saddam & supplied him WMD's. When Saddam used these weapons against innocent civilians & massacred his own people, US rather than condemning him fully supported him.  

    A lot of the negative sentiments against US are b/c of America's own dirty tricks and double standards around the world. The major cause of terrorism particularly directed towards US is b/c of blind support for Israel. Then it is US meddling in that region and around the world.

    Take for example the absurd idea that US supports democracies, while US does harass Syria and Iran b/c they don't bend over backwards for US, however there are even worse regimes in the region. Do you ever see Bush anything against Egypt.

    Egypt's dictator is in power for over 20 years, deeply hated by it's people. Even before the elections started he had already won the elections by default, as he had simply barred most of his opponents. Regime is known to crack down on it's opponents and it's abuse of human rights are rampant. An Egyptian citizen now living in US, left Egypt b/c he was being threatened. His crime is calling his government to improve human rights, in his absence Egyptian court sentenced him to prison b/c he had tarnished the image of Egypt. He met Bush, now instead of condemning Egypt, what does Bush say, "he's just a dissident". So now suddenly human rights and democracy don't matter???

    In a lot of the cases it is US supplying arms and supporting these oppressive regimes, take for example Nigeria, Algeria, Ethiopia, S.Arabia, Uzbekistan etc. So in other words US has a direct role in perpetuating these crimes.

    US unilaterally invaded Iraq over WMD's and supposedly to bring democracy. Even against fierce opposition from countries around the world, including Russia and China. How come US is not invading Zimbabwe but is keen to invade Iran. Then don't forget Iraq has opened a safe haven for Alqaeeda and now Alqaeeda is roaming free, and now our troops and Iraqi civilians are killed. It IS US to blame for all this.

    Then a lot of countries suffering from poverty and hunger, are poor due to inhumane trade policies of the west including US. Literally! Keep in mind in many countries like Zimbabwe, Haiti, Somalia etc people have been forced to eat mud cakes. You heard me right, mud cakes!

    So before you cry wolf, you should look into US history, and policies. US has a clear imperial goal and history shows imperialism comes at a cost. A very heavy cost.

    The current waste of Iraq war other than over a million innocent Iraqis dead, 4000 of our soldiers and thousands injured, is "$541986255670". So it couldn't have been used to improve situation around the world, help them built their countries, put that money into actually building democracies, building economies - than destroying and trashing their countries into pieces!

  7. People resort to terrorism when they feel helpless against an overwhelmingly powerful force or govt, like the worlds only superpower

  8. Extremists are created through hatred.

  9. First of all - it is not the Government's that are messed up it is the PEOPLE who are in power. Second of all - if you look closely at everything that is considered a terrorist attack you will notice that it was committed in the name of some religion - or belief -by one or more individuals not by a government - as I can not think of any actual declared war by one government against another at the moment (and no Iraq is not a declared war).  The genocide that is going on is Africa is based tribal affiiation - but basically still some type of belief.

    We call it terrorism today - once the same actions were called the Crusades or n**i Germany.

    The majority of the current conflicts - Iraq and Afghanistan included - are driven by religious differences. When children are brought up to hate anyone who does not believe as they do from their very earliest memory it is hard to bring about change that would put this to an end. I have seen this first hand in the Balkans conflict - which although blamed mostly on Milosovick (who do not get me wrong was a horrible monster) was actually  a war of muslim verses christians albeit quite strange as it was the muslims who were the victims in western Yugosolovia and the christians who were the victims in eastern Yugosolovia.

    Until the people of the world evolve to the point where they can learn that people are people and despite what they might believe they are pretty much just like everyone else there will be 'terrorists.' Unfortunately this process can not be dictated by politics, war, armed conflit or even terror attacks. And also unfortunately as long a man craves power, as long as one society is driven to believe that they are better than any other and that they have the true right and only way of life, there will be someone, somewhere to stir the pot and create instability.

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