
Why are there two Creation stories in the Bible?

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Why are there two Creation stories in the Bible?




  1. Why do you believe there are two creation stories?

  2. Because they were lifted from two different cultures.  Or, quite possibly, because the people interpreting the original stories didn't get the same results.  Or, after being translated multiple times the original story isn't even close to the original.

  3. One has to do with the heavens and earth. The other with what was put on the earth, ie Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden, etc.

    One is a continuation of the narrative with more details.

    They are not two different accounts. Just take a look at the subject matter.

  4. It is one story that took place in more than one phase.

  5. One story was written in the southern kingdom of Judah, c. 9th century BC, and the other was written in the northern kingdom of Israel around the same time. Both were woven into a single narrative several centuries later. For more information, study the Documentary Hypothesis.

  6. The bible also contains stories, among others, of a talking snake that gives out dietary advice of doom, talking donkeys, magic knowledge trees, people turning into salt (watch your sodium intake), a man whose strength is proportional to his hair length, people magically levitating/whisked by magic chariot into the sky, virgin births and people reanimating after being dead for days (possibly, as a zombie).

    My point is it doesn't really matter if there 2 or 100 creation stories in the bible as they are all myths, similar to Greek and Norse mythology.

  7. The Bible is not the Word of God.

    It is a collection of writings written by men immersed in an ancient patriarchal culture. They all had agendas, whether it was keeping the social order, unifying doctrine, eliminating heresy or gaining converts.

    The Creation story is most likely borrowed from several cultures.

    The links below objectively detail the origins of the Bible (1)

    as well as the inconsistencies and inaccuracies (2)

    They are best viewed w/ IE.

  8. it is two seperate times one for everything and then one for adam so he could name the creatures.

  9. There are?

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