
Why are there wars now when many countries are coming together in peace with the Olympics as an example, huh?

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It seems quite ironic that countries are represented by atheletes of the world in what is one of the most peaceful and respected forms of engagement ever known to man. Where the representives of each and every country come to compete and give their all to try and win. Some will win and many will lose but they all will respect each other because of the fact that the competition is fierce but still peaceful. Why can't some of these so called leaders of some of these countries with the same atheletes concentrate on competing in something like sports etc instead of war Huh. Good God ya'll, what is war good for, absolutely nothing except to fatten the pockets of the leaders of the weapons industry and their shareholders who probably don't realize or care that their share of the profits come from blood money....




  1. wars retarded! we all know that.  

  2. 1. your an idiot

    2. how is it peaceful? have you seen/heard what china has done? there is no way that the olympics is peaceful, from revoking american visas to jailing harmless protestors, to not unblocking ways to contact loved ones at home

    china sucks, end of story

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