
Why are thereso many questin from girls asking if there pritty....?

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asking what type of clothes suit and stuff i get but why are some people so obsessed with having other people telling them that there pretty xx




  1. Low self-esteem. They need other people to tell them that they are pretty to reassure themselves that they are pretty.  

  2. i agree- a lot of these people will be doing it for attention, as they already know they are pretty. not everyone, but a lot of them.  

  3. because they are fishing for compliments and need validation because they have poor self esteem

  4. They suffer from lost self esteme. Pretty sad when you have to go on a site like this to ask idiots like me if they are pretty.

  5. poor self esteem

  6. Low self-esteem perpetuated by a society that teaches them they are only worthy if they can attract a man.

  7. Some ask it just for fun, others ask it because they are not very confident and need reassurance, others are just bored to tears and have nothing better to do.. lots of reasons.  

  8. that just want to know. they want a second opinion on someone  cause they dont feel brave enough to stand up and say "i think  ____ is beautiful"  they feel if someone else says it first then its more true then they will say it.  

    Also ppl have low self esteen to they put pics of them selves up to be judged cause  this is probably where you will get an honest answer.  

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