
Why are these 'bad' seats?

by  |  earlier

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Row 20, F and G. Shouldn't they be classed as good seats as they have lots of leg room?




  1. yes they are classified as bad because of their close proximity to the bathrooms, there isnt any under seat stowage. in additon to the comments above

  2. what is bad for some is not bad for others... I prefer exit row seats as well... however they do tend to be a little nosier and a little cooler with the door adjacent to them.

    The other thing that some may not like is that children under 15 cannot sit in these rows.

  3. They're right on the wing with the engine right outside.  Maybe they're considered bad because of engine noise.  That's where I'd want to be myself...right next to the emergency exit!!!

  4. They are emergency exit row seats, and in order to occupy them, you must agree to be able to follow the instructions to remove the exit windows in case of an accident.

    Also, they are bad seats because while they may have plenty of leg room, the seat backs do not recline.

  5. It is good because it is by an emergency exit

  6. All seats on airliners are bad seats. Fly private jets!

  7. If you mouse over the seat with your mouse it tells you...

    Near the lav, lots of people walking by

    No under seat storage for takeoff and landing

    The tray table is in the armrest

  8. I'm 6' 2" and  I look for seats like that  for long flights  . Being on a wing is comfortable and quiet  I can take off my shoes and put my feet up on the bulhead. I don't believe in carrion luggage so storage space is not an isssue

  9. They are in an Emergency Exit row, which gives extra legroom, however they are also the bulkhead row (which is the row of seats that has a wall, as opposed to another row of seats, in front of it), so you have to keep your bags in the bins during takeoff and landing, and the tray table is in the seat, which means that you cannot move it up or down. Also, seat G does not recline at all, because of the Emergency exit behind you.

    It is, however, up to you whether you want to sit there or not.

  10. They're listed as bad seats because they are on the emergency exit, and they bulk head is immediately in front of you.  They are also right next to the bathrooms.

    Better seats are 21F&G.  These seats actually have more leg room and storage under the Row 20 seats.

  11. Their fine i'm sure. Just be grateful you can afford the seat and have a safe flight!

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