
Why are these people so mean to her!?!??!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, first of all i want to tell EVERYONE that reads this question and answers, that i DO NOT want to OFFEND ANYONE! Ok. So My aunt is from new york and she's a muslim. She tells me that in the store that she works in (Its like reallly Chic) when someone asks her what religion she is SHE HAS TO say that she's jewish, because if she doesnt, and says she's muslim the people say that they dont want to get close to her. Ok, i find that truely disgusting. But thats not all. So she's really rich and gets invited to parties. She says that since she's a muslim when she walks into a room of rich jews they all call her "Guim" or something, which means "A stranger has joined us." That is SO Rude!! But wait, that isnt all yet! She was shopping at a store once and she had a plastic in her hands and she was getting some snacks out of a bin (WITH THE PLASTIC ON HER HAND) Then...The store owner tells her to get her hand out of that bin. Then she throws the plastic on the ground and says..."Did you say that because im a muslim??" And then the shopkeeper just didnt answer...THIS IS OUTRAGOUS!!!!!! Whats going on!?!??! Is all these stuff going on in New York??! Is it true that if your Muslim and have a good job NO ONE buys from you!??! OMG> I am soo shocked. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I Always had great expectations with New York! And yes im a Muslim, but now im actually getting afraid of New York!




  1. In all reality, I find this hard to believe.  I'm not saying that there hasn't been any racial tensions since 9/11, but for the most part, they are few and far between.  I do know, that the candy stores want the people to use the scoop not their hands.  This applies to everyone, not just your aunt because she is Muslim.  As far as the word Goyim goes, I've been called Goyim and I'm Christian.  I admit it does sound derogatory and I don't like it either only because of the double standard. In New York, trust me Muslims have many business establishments and they are flourishing.  So yes we do buy from Muslims.  I'm pretty sure if you come to New York you will like it.  Just do yourself a favor, don't mock Americans and don't try to justify the 9/11 events.  With that in mind, you won't have any problems.  I for one have nothing against Muslims.

  2. I don't believe you. In my entire life, I have never walked into a store and have been asked what religion I am or have ever heard someone ask that question of someone else. Second no "rich stores" have merchandise in "bins".

    I believe you are a kid with too much time on your hand.

  3. first of all  I don't believe a word of this.   No one can be forced to say what religion they are and certainly not by their boss, that is against the law.  If someone asks, you have the right to to not answer.  Secondly,  Muslims own a multitude of stores and I've never heard or seen anyone say anything.  finally, the shop owner might have thought she was stealing. If she doesn't wear Hajib (i'm assuming she doesn't if her customers in the store ask what religion she is...) why would she assume it is because she is Muslim   Are there individuals who are prejudiced, of course, this true everywhere.  Have there been individual incidents, yes,  but most people live and work side by side with no problems.

  4. welcome to the racism blacks and others have endured for ages..


  5. I wish I could say I am shocked. After 9/11 there has been a lot of racist acts against muslims in our country. It's really sickening but it's true. It's up to her and you how you want to go about fixing this issue. You can do as she's doing and pretend to not be muslim so as to make life easier for yourself or you can stand up against these idiots that are treating you this way and take a stand for your religion and yourself. Neither road is an easy one though. Just look at America's history with any culture that has migrated to here. They have all gone through it. Mexicans, Blacks, Muslims, etc..etc.. The cycle will never end. But it's the few who stand up for what they believe in and make their words heard in society that get cultures the respect they should have been given in the future.

    And as a fellow American I must say I am truly sorry for what people are putting you through. It is disgusting that a human being can treat another human being so nasty for any reason without knowing them (or even knowing them). I am sorry for the pain and suffering you both, and other Muslims, have gone through and I hope that you can find peace. Do what you think is right and good luck.

  6. that is extremely surprising...and in new york??!!! i am shocked.

    i dont know why they do that to her, but even though i am not a muslim, i feel like slapping those people!! i cant stand prejudice people, its just so not mature.

    i have a bunch of muslim friends and they are really nice and totally awesome! people should not judge anyone by their religion.

    i hope someone figures out an answer to your question.

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