
Why are these top players; serena williams, djokovic, henin and especially RAFAEL NADAL makes an act?

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why are these players, always makes an act of being "INJURED" when they are at the brink of their defeats? unlike federer, he never makes these kinds of act! that's what I like about federer!




  1. Sunnyde is right. I don't see how Rafa made the list lol.

  2. I'm a staunch Fed fan, but I have to stickup for my guy Rafa, he's played with his knees taped up, blisters on his toes, Rafa is a total warrior, much like Federer. Though the mono was probably one of his biggest setbacks he's ever encountered, he still stayed strong though you could tell Fed was really out of it sometimes, but just like Rafa he never complained. As for Serena, it's jsut like what happened at Wimbeldon last year with that bad cramp, shoot you could see the muscle cramping in her leg and I know she was in pain, and unlike what you and those stupid announcers say she wasn't being overdramatic, she was in absolute pain and she still went out there against her own doctor's orders and managed to win the match. As far as Djokovic goes, I'm kind of on the fence with him anyway so I mean I'm not sure if anything he complains is real or if he's just being a diva. Then Henin, after she lost to Sharapova at the Aussie Open she said her knee was hurting, which was a complete lie, she just got beat so she was stealing Maria's thunder. I don't know if you play tennis, but sometimes even the smallest things put you at risk because tennis is very physical and you have to be in tip-top shape and if you've got an injury, you go out there running everywhere and injure it further it could end your career. So except for maybe Djokovic and Henin, Nadal and Serena Williams shouldn't even be on that list, because like Federer, they are true warriors and will fight with everything they've got, that's what makes them champions.

  3. nadal was already injured! he's still a fighter until the end...

    you, entering a tour with a BIG BLISTER!!! can you still hold the match 7-5??? then of course rafa is already tired,,, monte carlo and barcelona and rome.. no rest! he didnt quit because in tennis nothing is impossible... and he need to defend his crown!

  4. Sorry to say but undortunately you dont know tennis or these players like you think you do. Except for Henin who has been known to blame losing and everything else on injury and "viruses", the others mentioned dont do it. In fact Serena has played numerous times when injured, and whether winning or losing. Novak has played while on medications that have him weak and dizzy and so forth. Federer does the same. Only an injury that keeps them from being able to move, liek leg, thigh, etc, is when they dont play, otherwise they each are out there battling, whether 100% or not. No tlike Henin and Sharapova, with all the excuses. Perfect Example. Sharapova had started off this season 19-0, loses a match, and says her shoulder has been bothering her, but sure didnt bother her during her winning streak. Then says he has been playing way too much tennis. Too much tennis, yea right, 13 tournaments in one calendar year, when most of the players play much more. Henin too, does not deal with losing well, and creates excuses. Others just simply go back on the court and do battle after a loss/tournament.

  5. Didn't you hear about the "mononucleosis" act? Yea, it didn't come up during a match and he didn't retire because of it (because he never had it), but it came up in defence of his losses at the start of the year. And because he's Roger Federer almost everyone believes it and hence it makes the opponents who worked hard to defeat him look bad.

  6. Especially Rafa? You have got to be kidding me. He is a player with a lot of fair-play and despite being really injured he never puts loosing the match on his injury. he always says good things of his opponent. Federer doesn´t? oh yeah..well think twice. I guess you didn´t read what he said after loosing this year to Murray.

  7. Even though I am a fed fan, I want to say something here.You need to exclude Rafa from that list. This man played with his shoulders taped, knees bandaged and never said anything and he had blisters in his feet yesterday. He had the guts to finish that game, and instead of giving him admiration, you have put him in a list of quitters or act of being injured. I would be glad if you take Rafa off that list.

  8. Rafa played the match to completion despite his injury.  Him talking about it is no different than Federer spending the first couple of months this season talking about his mono as the reason he's underperforming.  At least Nadal congratulated Ferrero on winning the match.

  9. Nadal actually was injured!

  10. I have seen Rafa play injured.  

    I see a GREAT difference in trying to play with a HUGE blister on your feet...and a "sore throat".

    I am a fan of Serena too,, but she is a bit melodramatic.

    I agree about Federer...when he is sick or injured, he doesn't quit.

  11. because roger is the best  .... lool

  12. Maybe because they really are injured...Nadal couldnt move yesterday....everyone who saw the match will agree

  13. Omg shut up ! Rafa was actually injured!

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