
Why are they called African AMericans. I am British. Why am I not referred to as a British American?

by Guest31877  |  earlier

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Why are they called African AMericans. I am British. Why am I not referred to as a British American?




  1. It all started with political correctness BS.     Why aren't garbage men still called garbage men anymore?    They are now known as waste disposal specialists  LOL     It is a good idea to make someone feel better about themselves because they have a scuzzy job and are stuck in it for life.    But it has gone too far in some cases.    If you want to be fair to everyone, then you should be known as a British American.    There are Italian Americans right?   They even have their own clubs that do charity work for the community.

  2. I think they should be called americans like all others. it is not the skin color who makes you or break you. We are all equal.

  3. It is better than what they were commonly referred to as in the 1800's.

  4. It is the way that blacks use to continue to stay seperated from the rest of Americans. I do not call myself Scotch-Irish- German- English- American. Just American.

  5. The term "African American" does not mean a black person.

    There are African Americans that are white, just as there are people from other continents and/or countries that are of different races.


    Many native South Africans are WHITE. Many immigrants to Africa are of different races.

    I repeat: the term "African American does NOT denote black people. It merely denotes people that either from the continent of Africa, but are now Americans...or whose ancestors are from the continent of Africa, but are either immigrants to America or choose to claim their African heritage.

    That's ALL it means.

    If the person doesn't like that gave a thumbs down doesn't LIKE being reminded of this FACT, or wasn't AWARE of this FACT ....TOO BAD...Facts are facts...

  6. You can identify yourself as British American.  It's a matter of custom not law.  Most Americans hyphenate themselves based on their families geographic origin... Italian American, German American, Chinese Americans.

  7. Because you are white. You have to be a perceived "ethnic minority" to have special privileges.

  8. they should be called American Africans

  9. Yes I think its insulting to ASSUME since they are black, they came from Africa. There are plenty of places where black people live that arent Africa

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