
Why are they called "Beefeaters"?

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Palace Guards




  1. Hello,

    Ditto to Anonymous girl, That was explained on Secrets Of The Tower last Halloween and she is correct.


    Michael Kelly

  2. They were paid in meat rations.

  3. They tested the food for Kings and Queens to make sure it wasn't poisoned.

  4. It is suggested by the Warders themselves that it comes from an insult in the past.

    During times of starvation in England, particularly in London, the only people who were guaranteed a good meal and a safe place to sleep were the guards of the Tower. In fact they were paid at least partially, with meat rations. After all, you had to be able to trust the Warders or they might exchange access for a good meal.

    So it's thought that Londoners taunted the Warders with the name Beefeater as a reference to the fact that they got preferential treatment from the crown and received beef to eat when those around them were starving.

  5. Because centuries ago, they would taste test the monarch's food to make sure that it wasn't poisoned, hence the name, beef eater.

  6. I think it hearkens to the old days, some 500 years ago when they were first founded, and they got that epithet because while most of the town was poor and hungry and didn't get much meat at all, the guards got fed pretty well and had meat to boot.

  7. The term "beefeater" supposedly comes from the French, "buffetier," which shares the same root as buffet.  Buffetiers were guards at the palace of French kings who protected his food.  The English mangling of the French word is beefeater.

    P. S.  A recent newspaper article announcing the first woman beefeater in 522 years, Moira Cameron, however, explains, "The Beefeater nickname is thought to derive from the guards' former privilege of having their fill of beef from the king's table.  Formally, they are Yeoman*  Warders of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London" (Robert Barr, AP, 4 Sep 2007).  

    Congratulations, Yeoman Warder Cameron!  


    * --The term originally designated a free-born man, btw.

  8. They eat beef

  9. The reason they are called Beefeaters is that even during times of war, they were given rations of beef to eat, while others in the country didn't get any.

    They protect the Crown Jewels and the prisoners in The Tower of London (if there were any there anymore) so perhaps that's why they had this extra luxury.

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