
Why are they called "Sea Gulls" if they all live on land in Taco Bell parking lots?

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srsly? they're always in Taco Bell parking lots, hogging up the spaces. college students need those spaces. lol.




  1. I can well believe that Iowa and Nebraska might be short of seagulls but they sure don't need an ocean ... or a Taco Bell parking lot! I'm sure that seagulls outnumber pigeons in Toronto itself (and they're very short of parking lots of any kind), and in the Northern GTA, 30 miles from Lake Ontario (and short on Taco Bells), the seagulls hang out in Tim Horton's parking lots.

  2. Because you won't find them in nebraska or iowa...they are centrally located near oceans.  Now slowly put down the bong and eat some doritos my son.

  3. I think it spelled Si Gulls.

    Yo quiero taco bell

  4. very few of them are at Taco Bell but, if you need the space, pull into.  They'll move.

  5. This should be a featured question.


    I like taco bell though.


  6. better joke -

    why are sea gulls called sea gulls when they only swim over the bay?

    they should be called bay gulls (bagels) -_-

  7. They must be searching for answers.

  8. im pretty sure theres more near beaches.

    it doesnt really matter much does it?

  9. I always thought they were called Sea gulls because they originated at coastal areas; then because of their adaptability to eating whatever kind of foodstuffs nature or mankind throws as them, they spread across the land, looking for whatever they could get their beaks on.

    Sea gulls are almost kind of ubiquitous nowadays.

  10. gull (in some language I forget what one) means rest.  And sea gulls fly out to sea to die.

  11. Sea gulls are scavengers and go where there is food.  That is why you always see them in landfills.  

  12. They are scavengers always looking for food. Wherever they learn food can be found, that is where you can find them.

    When I was aboard a ship in the Navy, they used to follow our ship out at sea because we used to throw food garbage overboard.

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