
Why are they calling it a prisoner swap when one side only has two dead bodies?

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Why are they calling it a prisoner swap when one side only has two dead bodies?




  1. To the Muslims there is no real difference between a dead Jew and a live one. And to the Jews even a dead Jew is worth more than a live Muslim.

  2. It's seen as a gesture of goodwill...

  3. calling it a dead body swap would be bad PR.

  4. I guess Israel is kinda like the US in how we never leave a man behind dead or alive.

  5. It is obvious who has come out on the winning side in this particular prisoner exchange!It is not Israel!!

  6. I'm trying to figure out how two live Israeli soldiers are taken captive and two years later they come back in wooden boxes - and no comment on this strange turn of circumstances by the media.

    How does "executed by a terrorist organisation" sound??- or is that not PC enough.

  7. I just saw this story on the news and wondered the same thing..

    to be crass.. a "Two for one sale'?

  8. Middle east politics (or what passes for them).

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