
Why are they give your thoughts on this?

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why are European men so s**y? I don't get it lol they just are? my boyfriend is European! I just don't get why they are so s**y?




  1. My Man is British..... a heart throb, and the accent to die for

  2. You got me there. I'm Irish and German. My wife says I'm s**

  3. I guess tonight's your night for fireworks.

  4. The French call it their savior faire > just their way of doing things.  

    I'm just wondering if  American men would be more prized in Europe?  It would seem anytime you introduce something different, there is this fascination.  

  5. My husband of 34 years is from Europe.

    He was raised to treat women with respect and not whine like a girl when things go wrong.

    He always has an answer to a problem and can get stuff done by himself.

    that and his personal style are what was so interesting about him when we met.

    He barely spoke English when we met but he had tons of self confidence and a great sense of fashion.

    At first, my mother wasn't all too happy with me going out with a "foriegner'has she put it but after meeting him a few times, even she was taken in by his charm.So funny to see her running around fixing a fancy meal that would meet his standards, she was a mom of 6 and had 3 different husbands but was more concerned about meeting my husbands standards on foods.

    He treated her like a queen which really made her like him. She would often ask him to find a friend just like him for my younger sister.

    I had to tell her that he was only one of a kind.

  6. its their accent

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