
Why are they leaving the declarations for the Grand National so late?

by  |  earlier

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i understand the declarations are being made tomorrow...




  1. Because a lot will pull out b4 the race.

  2. It's called the 3 day declaration!!  It's not  late, it's always about this time!!  Try running a bloomin sweepstake, half the ones you sell are out of the race by tomorrow and then everyone is trying to kill me cause they think i'm a cheat!!!

  3. last year they changed the rules so there is a 48 hour decleration for all races. get yourself on the net this afternoon and they should all be on, still expect a couple of non runners though

  4. Declarations are alway made this close to the race!  In an every day race declarations will not be made until 24 hours before the race, but for the major races it is 48 hours.

    The reason for this is that it costs the owner money to enter and declare for a race so by leaving it till the last minute they will be certain if the horse is going to be able to run.  There is no point in making the declarations a week or two before the race in case the horse is injured or becomes ill.  You'd be complaining more if a horse was declared so far in advance and then pulled out the day before the race.

    That is the risk you take when having an anti-post bet: sometimes the horse wont run.

  5. Is it this weekend? I didn't even realise!!

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