
Why are they like that?

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Why are there some people out there who hate g**s? What causes them to hate?




  1. They are just raised like that...they feel that only the opposites gender attract and that anything in between is wrong.

  2. They are insecure and afraid that they might also be g*y. They are also fearful because they are ignorant.

    It's all about FEAR.

  3. There beliefs are usually the most common reason for there hate against g**s. The bible says that men should only marry females and vice versa therefore they think it is morally wrong to go against that. I personally believe that people should be able to love whoever they wish without discrimination.

  4. ignorance, & fear. they don't understand that g*y isn't something you choose.  no one wakes up one day & says i think i'll try g*y today. they don't get it!  so sorry for them i am straight , but some of my closest friends  are g*y & the kindest souls i know

  5. some people hate g**s because it goes against the beiliefs from the bible

    and other people hate g**s becasue its jsut someonthing out of the norm, and a lot of people find it hard to accept things that are differnt.

    personally i have nothing against g**s, they are still humans.

  6. some ppl believe its not normal for two men to me together or two women ..some ppl follow others ...its all to do with your own personla experience or belief

  7. The psychological term is "reaction formation", it is a defense mechanism. Check it out on the web.

  8. mostly girls because some may have been raped by them ans are now afraid f them

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