
Why are they showing us ads about not wasting water when hosing your garden.....?

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When it's been bucketing down with rain for the past month!!!!!!!

Who's paying for these ads? THE TAXPAYER!!

What a country!




  1. It seems the perfect time to me.

    Surely its a waste of water to be hosing down a garden thats been saturated with rain?

  2. because its Ireland... "dont spend your money, spend someone elses"!!!

  3. Wanna hear something crazier? You know those Persil ad's that say that if you buy a box of their powder they will give a certain amount of clean drinking water to ppl in Africa? That not a bit strange considering their product helps clean-water wastage on a ******* massive scale?

  4. Well I never saw an ad about not hosing the garden, what channel was it on?

    Anyways I've filled my ducks' bath up twice today just out of spite. At least Martin King on the late weather has the decency look depressed when he's giving us the next days projected rainfall charts.  

  5. I've been waiting for the past 3 months to hear about a hose pipe ban and there's me outside building an ark.

  6. as they have nothing better to be doing

  7. Because in Ireland if we go 2 hours without rain the whole country will suffer severe drought!!!!!!!!!!!!

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