
Why are they so accepting?

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My whole life, from as far as I can remember, My parents have always been very open to letting people live with us. For example, One time my boyfriend got kicked out of his house for some reason (wasn't g*y related because they already knew..they had a fight or something) and my plan was to ask them if he can stay the night because he had no other place to go and my mom said without hesitation, "He can stay here as long as he wants even if it means becoming a permanent resident."

I was dumbfounded. I wasn't upset but I was more like in a state of shock. He stayed for 6 days and he finally went back home. That was probably the worst 6 days of my life. We're still together but it was a lot harder living with each other.

And before my cousin didn't want to go home because he was g*y and his mother(my aunt) is extremely homophobic but she didn't know he was g*y. And he got so upset with her one time that she sprung up some anti-g*y rants that he hated her completely and came out to her in an inappropriate way(he threw a drink at her and said I'm g*y you b*tch). And my mother told him that he could live with us. That was like two or three weeks ago and he still lives with us. I'm perfectly fine with him living with us. His mother gave my mom all his stuff and everything. It doesn't look like he's going back and He himself doesn't want to go back.

But My question is why do my parents let people live with us like it's nothing. Like, why are they so accepting of people living with us? I know that because other people are in bad situations you have to sacrifice but usually that 's a big decision no matter what the circumstances but they treat it like its nothing. Why?




  1. Sounds like they are very kind people who have alot of compassion for others and want to help out however they can.  

  2. my mother does the same thing.

    its like a foster home in her house.

    i think its looking out for people in-case one day you might need the help.

  3. your parents just simply like to help people until they can get back on their feet...

    thats what it sounds like.

  4. Your parents are nice people..thats all you should feel lucky that they have your back through everything.

  5. First and foremost Truth Set is an idiot. You have parents that are truly God-like. Taking care of people in need is a good thing. Consider yourself lucky !!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. they are good people.. mind you there arent a lot out there

  7. because they're great people. i wouldn't question it, i would just be glad to have such great , caring, kind, selfless parents. good people are hard to find.

  8. i THINK BEING g*y is not genetic. IT IS A CHOICE. and i disagree with it.  

  9. Perhaps that's just the way that they are. Or they just don't want to do anything to make you feel like they don't accept your lifestyle. Either way, it looks like its because of caring hearts. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  10. Some folks have different levels of hospitality. That stuff was unheard of by my parents. I won't even let my relatives come visit, because they live in the same state. My relatives lost out to strangers, and I do not have to put up with their odd attitude. I feel sorry for you. Have a good day.

  11. The people that are living with you aren't just regular people off the street. 1 was your boyfriend and the other was a family member and I'm sure they are caring people. You should really be lucky to have parents who would do something like that.  

  12. Your parents are giving souls. I truly hope you realize how lucky you are to have such loving people in your lives. Give them a big hug for me.

  13. why ask us?  ask your parents.  sounds like they may have some wisdom to pass on to you that you would benefit from.  

    i agree that living arrangements are a big deal.  i am a mom and i have two biological sons and one son that i took in off the street.  it was a big decision because i had to consider my own sons' safety before i could allow another person to live in my home.  i am glad that i made the decision that i did and i love my foster son with all my heart.

    maybe your parents put more thought into their decision than you are aware of.  

  14. They sound like generally good hearted people to me..thats really nice of them to welcome people with open arms to their home...maybe when they were younger they went through things in their lives that taught them that everyone needs a little help at some point in their lives..either way it's a nice thing to do and your lucky to have such good role models..learn from them and remember their generosity when you get older.

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