
Why are they so freaked out with me talking to boys?! (10 points)

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my parents are so strict on me when it comes to boys.

i hate it.

they say no boyfriends, which i don't mind much anymore.

they say you can only be friends with them.

yea right, they freak out when i say hi to a guy that goes to my

school and i'm friends with and then they get all mad

and start questioning me.

what's the deal with them???

they even get mad at ME cuz my FRIENDS have boyfriends.

i think that's stupid.

grrr...why are they so like that?

they get mad even if i bring up the subject of boys, literally.




  1. you don't say how old you are.

    If your under age, then may be they see you act not like a proper girl and they fear you will become a s**t.

  2. You really don't know??  Boys are hormone driven > your daddy knows this because he once was too.  And your parents sound old school> you do know, some women in other countries can not date unless they're properly chaperoned?  

    Maybe too, your folks watched an episode of Girls Gone Wild?  And let's be honest here, teen pregnancies are something most parents don't want to have to deal with.  Not that you're going to have s*x with anyone, but that's their worst fear.  

    I'm guessing they'll eventually get over their objections.  Just don't anything that will violate their trust.

  3. b4 i answer this ?

    how old are u

  4. By golly 15, your half way through your adult life  Ever hear of HIV/AIDS???  Do you ever watch the local news or current events?  The state of teen and even tween s*x, STD's, and unwed mothers is a hugh problem.  Raising a child is hard and expensive work.  Boy's and s*x ain't all that!  Won't be any boy's interested in you when your raising a child by yourself....and let's face facts, you won't be raising a child alone...your parents WILL be raising a grandchild.  But, then again I'm not a teenager, so I don't know anything.  Listen to all your friends and kids on here and you'll figure out how to ruin your life.

  5. They're parents. Its normal to get mad. Just explain to them, and sit them down and explain that its normal to have guy friends. Its natural, and boys are a part of life.

  6. I think it is quite normal for a parents to be protective of their daughters when it comes to boys.  They care about you but worrying that the boys might take advantage of you.  So, talk to your parents how you feel about it and assure that you and your guys are just friends.

  7. They probably are upset that you are growing up and trying to held you back. Sit down and talk to them and explain to them how you feel.

  8. well, ask them. something may have happened in their past that they don't want to happen to you. either that, or they just don't want you tot get pregnant. that or they are seriously paranoid about it. let them know by showing them that you ar trustworthy and if they still don't believe you, do it anyways. i mean go out with a guy. your parents may be paranoid, but that's no reason to let you suffer through not having a boyfriend. they have to let you experience some things in life.  

  9. hahahahah those are asian parents, right there.

    i feel so bad for you, duude.

    my parents aren't like that they let me hang out with them, they know my friends, i go over to their house.

    they're being strict because they heard all the stories about teen pregnancy probably& they just wantt you to be protected.

    -it's all in trust.

    i know, i know. no matter how responsible&trustworthy you are it seems like it's not enough but trust me all things will pay off soon.

    soon, you will be able to hang out with them, talk& call them go over to their houses and all that stuff it's definitely worth the waitt!

    :] just for now gain MORE of their trust, get good grades no more hissy fits& fighting with your brothers and sisters and be responsible.

    it'll pay off sooner or later! :]

  10. How old are you?  It's Okay being friends with boys only really atleast they don't restrict you from them they might want to keep you from growing depends on your age >.> .. .  Just because you have a boyfriend doesn't mean your special. don't feel left out. It might be weird but you can cope wait a few and they might agree to it.

    it honestly depends on age and parents .

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