
Why are they so quick to report in adoption for things that are not against Y/A but against their view point?

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Why are they so quick to report in adoption for things that are not against Y/A but against their view point?




  1. Because they think they know everything and anyone who disagrees with them is a moron..

    They don't want to hear differing opinions.. because it shatters the little dream world they live in.

  2. Because it hits a little to close to home. And ignorance is bliss.


      Unless there is a personal attack or vulgar language in a post reporting is just childish.

    Didn't we learn in preschool that everyone is not going to always agree with us?

  3. Because people believe if they had it bad everyone else does and should agree with them and if they don't they attack the system.

  4. Adoption is a topic which spawns a lot of controversy and emotions, and perhaps people react more strongly when they read things they don't want to hear about or face up to.

  5. I don't think that hits just one category, I think it's many categories.  But Y!A does do appeals and if a violation is appealed, they will review it.  I have heard of overturned violations before.  I do think Y!A knows about the problem of troll reporting but hasn't figured out how to fix it yet.

  6. My favorite part of this question is that people take it as an opportunity to insult everyone they disagree with.  

    And that, it seems to me, is precisely why people are so quick to report.  They read questions with their own biases, and when they think they've been insulted in some way, they report.  

    So some people think you are referring to adoptees by your "they."  Some people think you are referring to APs and PAPs.  

    It doesn't matter which you meant (or even if you meant some other group), people see what they expect to see.  And we've gotten so entrenched that we'll take any opportunity to attack those we (think) we disagree with.  

    I wouldn't be at all surprised to discover (as someone has already said) that this happens in other sections, too.  We've polarized to the point where it's nigh impossible to have constructive conversations.

  7. They don't want the truth to get out.  

    Biology and history can't be erased despite it going against their fantasies and dreams of having a child.

  8. Because they are afraid of the truth.

  9. "We've polarized to the point where it's nigh impossible to have constructive conversations."

    Perfectly said Phil!! I try to stick to answering the actual questions asked anymore and for the most part, leave the debate to the polarized crowd. Even when I do unbiasly answer a question with just facts, I still get tons of thumbs down and even once reported. The polarized can't stand that I am giving an answer to an adoption question. Its sad. I don't harbor any hate for them at all. I want to hug them and I pray for them all. There are some sad stories and unfair lives out there so I understand why they are stuck in that negative place where there is no room for seeing the big picture.

      On that note, I do see many AP's or PAP's on here that don't get the other side but that seems more like an intentional head in the sand thing.

    Why can't we all just answer the questions asked and keep our points of view out of it unless we are specifically asked for an opinion based on our POV?

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