
Why are they waisting time?

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Tell me why highly paid scientists are waisting time with figureing out why knots are formed and how? Who cares, if your cords get tangled up then you need to put them away properly or untangle while cursing and move on.




  1. Believe it or not, it does have practical applications.

    “Knot formation is important in many fields,” said Douglas Smith, an assistant professor of physics who was the senior author on the paper.  Ã¢Â€ÂœFor example, knots often form in DNA, which is a long string-like molecule.  Cells have enzymes that undo the knots by cutting the DNA strands so that they can pass through each other.  Certain anti-cancer drugs stop tumor cells from dividing by blocking the unknotting of DNA.”

  2. simple and to the point ;Brilliant! -thumbs up!

    i must say that is correct...

  3. I hate those knots!  And hangers...I hate hangers!

  4. A scientist is basically like a dog in that the same answer applies to why the dog chases its tail as it does to why the scientist seeks answers that are purely physical, tangible, and meaningless relative to answering the bigger question: why are we here, and what should we be doing to get out of here?

    By the way, time is relative and does not even exist beyond the three lower planes of existence.


  5. Yeah, I read that article on Yahoo also....stupid. I'm afraid to know what else our tax dollars are getting wasted on as well!

  6. Just think how wonderful it wold be, when you get your iPod earplugs out of your pocket and you find a sorry tangled mess, if you could sort them out just by pulling one single lead in the right point.

    Or if you could tackle the cables at the back of that computer cabinet and stretch them neatly without unplugging a single one.

    Or when you start twirling a strand of spaghetti with your fork and soon the whole plateful joins in the dance.

    And the shoulder length hair women brush for hours in agony?

    I think there is potentially a lot of money to be made as a result of Gordianology - knot science.

  7. I don't think they are waisting time, but might be wasting time.

  8. From the perspective of a person who has to run tens to hundreds of wires in small spaces, and frequently plug, unplug, move, change, and rerun them in the same spaces, I must say that every day, hundreds of hours of productivity time in the US alone is lost in untangling those cursed beasts!  I remember this one time, at band camp, we were mobilizing for a job, and this guy takes a perfectly wound 1,000-ft cord of about 4" thickness and grabs the wrong end and pulls it through the center.  Well as you know, properly wound cord is twisted once per revolution.  It took three of us over three hours to get the knots out.  What these scientist are doing is great and can save the world a lot of money.

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