
Why are things are so brutal in here?

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This is by far the most brutal section in sports on Yahoo Answers. I thought baseball and football was bad until I came in here. why are things so heated in here?




  1. There is a core of about a dozen very knowledgeable boxing fans (some ex fighters, some just historians and fans) who just know their boxing.  They enjoy expressing their opinions, and enjoy the verbal sparring differing opinions generate.  It's also fun and educating  to watch them argue.  They disagree with each other with class, respect and very knowledgeable counter arguments, and clearly respect each other even though they disagree on certain points.  I could list at least a dozen off the top of my head who have taught me a lot about boxing and who still visit the site from time to time.

    Santana D was without a doubt the best and brightest, but many at yahoo answers still carry on in the manner in which he interacted with Yahoo boxing's users.  Few of the old group still frequent the site, after Santana's death, it was painful for some of us to continue.  A core group of post Santana talent now dominates the site, and they have a growing fan base.  It's fun, educational and if you love boxing, it is a pleasant way to pass the time.  Boxing is a brutal sport to begin with, so what is considered brutal by non-boxing fans isn't considered so by those in the boxing community.  It's a web site, how can it be heated?  These are just words, nobody takes them to heart, it's all about fun and boxing trivia.

  2. is a mans sport .... and we have alot of pansies who get mad if you dont agree with them...most people in here have no clue what they are talking about but there are quite a few who give great answers like Woody, Fudd, and the Thor looking guy with his arms crossed ..... but its no holds barred in here with The Mexicans and Filipinos getting up in arms with upcoming fights , to your people who live in the old days who think Marciano would whupp anyone ....SO sometimes you got to call them out and make fun of the Ignorance but is all in good Fun.... and so i dont disappoint Marquez is gonna whupp that A S S and send the Stache Man back to Manilia with his thrilla

  3. Becuase there are people who actually know what they are talking about and other people who just try to p**s those people of with some brillant comment about Kimbo fighting Mayweather or something to that affect.

  4. I didn't think this section was that brutal. I thought the American Football section was brutal, especially when talks of the Patriots, Mike Vick and "The Green Dot" comes up. lol

  5. Whaddaya expect?  We're punchy!

  6. Cause about %90 of the people who come here claim to have boxed before, and 1/2 of those you would think got cheated out of their "Title-Shot" by the way they go about arguing. What it boils down too is there are Way too-many chiefs, and not enough Indians, :) lol You'd think this was the "Former-Title-Holder" section, hahaha. I used to box too! I really did. Tyson ate both of my ears though, Now I cant hear anything coming so I had to hang up my gloves, hahahaha. Not to mention I am almost 70 years old, hahahaha. Seriously, :)  Hope this answered your question, :) Take Care, :)

  7. Just words, some of these people never actually step in a boxing ring.

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