
Why are things from the past glorified in the present?

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You look back with fond memorys and get stuck on them (i.e relationships, child hood). Although, at the time you didn't think it was that great.





  1. because we humans have the tendency that we are never satisfied with what we have...we want more and more .......

    when we dont have enough money, love,affection,care so we look back at those days when we had those things....

  2. the memories you have are experiences that made you who you are today.

    ive thought about this as well. and it seems it happens all through out peoples lives. when your a teen you wish to be a kid again, when your an adult you want to be a teen again, and when your an elder you want to be an adult again. all through out our lives we wish to relive the past again.

    but why? would people really risk changing their memories being as perfect as they are?

  3. Okay, so you're looking down the road, and off in the distance, you see two cars coming.  To you, it looks like they are right on top of one another, the second close behind the first.  As they closer and closer, you see that the distance between them is actually quite considerable.  They only LOOKED like they were close together because you were viewing them from a distance.  So, you look back into your past, and all those good memories seem close together, almost piled one on top of another; the bad memories are there, too.  But even they seem more tolerable, because they, too, are cars on the otherwise empty road.  What we fail to see from a present perspective are vast stretches of empty road between cars, the ordinary, mundane stuff, the asphault of our lives.

  4. it seems to me like many people look back on the bast and see it in a halo - they see or remember only the best parts.

    i have no i dea why.

  5. Concluded events are less vulnerable to get altered, unless with some initiative afresh. Even then it would be distinctly separate. And, the emotions when re-living a past events are a bit clearer. We experience clearer emotions deeper than mixed up or confused emotions. The present is again vulnerable to mixed emotions. For instance, when we are presently grieving over a dear & dead person who died just a while ago, we could be interrupted by some intoxication effect of a drink we had, though quite unprepared for this unforseen bereavement. The emotions in a state of intoxication could be confused or mixed. But later when we recall the death of this person, we are sober, and the emotions are more clear. Same is the case when past is glorified in the present.

    A very deep question, indeed. Thanks for that.

  6. i think because you just don't know what you have until its gone

  7. You finally realize that they helped shape who and what you are, whether good or bad.

  8. maybe you're feeling nostalgic and then was still better than now

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