
Why are things in Florida so hard

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Minimum wage is $6.50 while a low income apartment is $700. My friend makes 9.50/hr and her fiance makes 11/hr and they don't qualify for the $700 apartment. I'm lucky because I have the opportunity to be in school. Not everyone is that lucky though. I just don't understand it. You can't get even a small house for less than a hundred grand unless you buy a trailer. How are people supposed to live? The house my parents owned in PA which sold for 150k would go for half a million down here or more. Typical 3br/2bath houses in my neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods go for 250-300k! Why does the economy suck so bad here? I come to find out that Florida is listed as the hardest state to live in!




  1. well, if you look around there are actually like 3/2/2 for $55,000. Now, I dont know which part of florida you live in, and that may have something to do with it. I live in SW Florida, and yes, things are bad here too, no jobs, sucky pay, ect. but you just have to make the best of it, try your hardest, and everything will work out for you.  

  2. That is nothing. In Cupertino California a small 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house will sell for over $1,000,000, and that is for a 50 year old falling down piece of junk that sold for less than $10,000 when if was new.

    a large part of the problem is that the environmentalists have made it almost impossible to get permits to build new houses.

    The environmental obstacles get rid of most of the potential builders of new houses.

    With fewer builders you have much less competition.

    It is the competition that keeps the prices down. When you chase away the competition that reduces the supply of new houses and prices go through the roof.

    The only way that prices are going to come down is for us to get much more competition in the form of independent builders who are creating more homes.

    If we do not get rid of all of the environmental obstacles and lawsuits we will not be able to get more competing builders.

    Without more competing builders prices will remain high.

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