
Why are things more expensive in Canada than they are in the United States?

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You see it all the time -- look in the back of any book or magazine and there will be two prices, the one in Canada, and the one in the United States. And the price in Canada is always a lot higher. I am assuming Canadians use the same currency that we do. So why are their things more expensive than ours?




  1. ya that was the case, now the canadian dollar is worth more or the same as the american green back. this means that if your canadian and switch in your money for american money, you are getting a big deal because your paying A LOT less for the american goods. yay :)

  2. The Price difference is because, back in the day, the Canadian Dollar was about 1/3rd cheaper than the USD. As such, products produced in the US and exported to Canada (ie: Magazines) had two prices. The cost in the USD dollars and the Cost in Canadian Dollars. The Canadian dollar amount was always more because the Looney was cheaper. So it took more Looneys to equal a similar amount of dollars.

    Now all that is gone. The Looney and the Greenback are nearly on par with one another. As such, dual pricing on products is foolish because that would force Canadians to pay more because of the increased value of the Looney.

  3. Canadians have their own Canadian dollar...and the prices include what it takes to ship the product into another country on top of the double tax ( two separate tax fees) that Canadians have to pay on all products...thats my take on it

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