
Why are things the way they are?

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How should things be ideally? What is the good life —for the individual and for the many (society)? What would a Utopian society, a heaven on earth, be like? Is it even possible to create a Utopia? If so, how? Would not a Utopia assure personal freedom? What, then, should you do with those who don’t cooperate and violate the Utopian system? If you control or punish them, is there no longer a Utopia?




  1. A Utopia,in my mind, is a place that is perfect for a certain type of person.  So what a Utopia is for one person is not exactly the same for another person.  So that means that there cannot be just one Utopia, but one that satasfies each different type of person, for one to exist.

  2. Things are the way they are because we do not live in fairy tale land.

  3. its jus that they have to be the way they are

  4. i think life is the way we are becuase US humans made it that way with all of our violent shinanagains, ithink the ideal life is to be finatually independent, so you wont have to be grumpy and scared all the time becuase money really does ALOT of things to people. and to be happy. have your atmosphere include family and friends that dont try to control you. people who really care about you try to let you live your life to the fullest.

  5. Utopia is when you can surmount the challenges that confront you and win. A life without challenge would go against our DNA. A life without wisdom causes a person to lose out and be bitter and frustrated.

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