
Why are those hooligans trying to disrupt the Republican National Convention?

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We let the Democrats have their convention in peace. Why can't they do the same?




  1. Those are the Democrats.  Stupid Liberals have nothing better than collect money from unemployment.  

  2. They are AMerican patriots just like the Sons of liberty disrupted the British tea trade in Boston harbor, these brave AMericans are fighting for your freedom, it's sad that you don't realize that.

    Sweetie, don't you know... the People United, will Never be Defeated! You live in a Democracy of the people and by the people and it says a lot if the people are willing to risk bodily harm and imprisonment to fight a perceived evil in their community... we all should learn from them, we'd be all the better for it.

  3. The right to demonstrate is enshrined in the Constitution, even if people don't agree with you.  Be happy you live in a place where that is so.

  4. Idiots aren't new.  

    They had a man on the street interviewing these idiots.  "What has Obama accomplished?"  "What experience does Obama have?"  No one could answer these questions... naturally because there is no answer...

    But when they asked who Obama's running mate was, and they had no idea... that showed us what kind of "patriots" we are dealing with.  Thank god most of these guys are too dumb to know when election day is.

  5. Beats me. That only proves that the McCain-Palin ticket is the only right one.

  6. If I had to make a guess, I'd say that the 90% of U.S. citizens who have been screwed into the ground over the past 8 years by Bush and the Republican party are getting tired of it.

  7. Liberalism is based, not on rational thought (think Jedi), but emotional outburst (think Sith).

    These liberals, if forced to express their beliefs rationally (think talk-radio) usually sound like terrorists, radicals, and adolescents.

    So while they are allowed to participate in free speech (which we do not disturb because it is not rational), they attack our delegates, smash our windows and threaten to kidnap our people because....they FEEL justified in doing it.

    Course if the conservatives shot anyone in a black outfit that was smashing store fronts, they would reel in shock because suddenly they would FEEL victimized.

    Liberalism is a mental disease.

    You notice that most of these rioters look like Sith too? Interesting.

  8. i wouldn't call the hurricane a hooligan

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