
Why are time zones vertical?

by Guest62351  |  earlier

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if you look on a map, the time zones are always going up and down [vertical]

never horizontal

can someone tell me why?




  1. because time zones correspond to the daylight times in those regions, the spin of the earth is responsible for vertical  time lines

  2. Since the sun comes up and down horizontally on map, the times zones are vertical because the time zone basically tells which part of the earth sunshine, and which one doesn't. If the time zones were going horizontal, it would make no sense... at all. Note that some areas share a time zone even if they're on different lines, like China.

  3. because the sun moves east to west and not north to south

    Well actually the earth rotates that way (the sun doesn't do the moving - we do)

    Think about it, the sun rises somewhere at say 6:30am but it is still dark further west, but as the earth rotates another 15degrees the sun rises in the next time zone.

    15 degrees because 360 / 15 = 24 and there are 24 hours in one full rotation of the earth

  4. well because daylight nd night is based on the longtitudes or rather longtitudes are based on the former. As we know the sun rises in east nd sets in west. So longtitudes i.e. imaginary lines has been made to clarify them more.  And time zones are based on longtitudes as well.. sos since longtitudes are vertical therefore time zones are also vertical :P

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