
Why are toddler compelled to call everything "mine" and what to respond?

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My 2.5 year old son is always saying mine mine mine. I know this is common. What is going on in that little head that makes him need to confirm this all the time? I usually just ignore it, because the items are his, but sometimes when other kids are around I remind him to take turns.




  1. Just keep doing what you are doing, he'll eventually get it, and grow out of this stage.  Good job.

  2. Everytime he says mine, just take whatever object it is away from him anyway, and don't give him any dinner, that should sort the little brat out

  3. Well hes 2.5.  He has never really had to share anything before and is learning how to socialize with other children.  Just keep doing what you are doing and reminding him to take turns.  Your doing the right thing!!!  This too shall pass.

    Hope this helps!!!

  4. I am going through this right now.  I'm very interested to see what suggestions are out there.  I have been handling it basically the same as you have....

    I don't feed into it by focusing on the "mine" part.  If she says "MY ball" I will say something like "yes, that IS a ball!" .

  5. My kids say  "mine" and "no" all the time.   I try to teach them the word "share" and "yes" once in a while.  You should try it sometime, have him share the toy with you.  So, he learn not everything in the world is his.  Sometime, people will say "no" to him or "share" and he should learn to accept it.

  6. You are doing the right thing.  He is just trying to make sense of the world.

  7. sound like you are doing fine maybe get something that has to be shared like coloring book and practice sharing with other children it is a phase and depending how you handle it he can come out a sharer or a shelfish person.

  8. leave him alone,he's going through a phase.

    if it continues ask someone like your mom.

  9. It is just a stage there is nothing you can really do but let it pass. It is just his way of knowing what belongs to him and letting everyone else know too.

  10. We are going thru the same thing with our daughter, everything weither hers or not is "MINEEEEE" so we have started saying "no that is called a ball" or "Yes but that is called a dolly" then we normaly go ask her find something, like a dollys dress, to share with her brothers so its not just hers....... although it only works half the time but its a start.

  11. At his age, he relates everything to himself. If he touched it, then it's his. That's how he sees it. Children cannot understand sharing at this age. However, you can continue to talk to him about it.

    When my daughter was two, she would say, "I not want to sha-ya."  (southern accent)

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