
Why are tourists now less interested in the royal family?

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I just stumbled across this site which said the royals are not the Number 1 must-see for tourists...

I thought it was interesting considering that people seem to think that tourists mainly visit the UK because of the royals....




  1. You cannot see them at all! They are living in their own Royal World where you cannot possibly get or even have a glance at

  2. Could it be that the tourists like the rest of us find them boring! If tourists or UK subjects want to look around the Royal palaces and castles we have to spend an arm and a leg to get in.  When you are on holiday you do not want to spend all your holiday money visiting boring people and their homes.

    Do not get me wrong I like nothing better then a mooch round an old castle or ancestral home, but when its our Royalty I consider that I have paid enough to them so will not pay to go into their palaces.

  3. Quite simply because the british royal family are so misinformed by their alleged "advisors. As well as their wierd sexual escapades.

  4. Because they are a boring monarchy which shouldn't even exist.

  5. tourists *** 2 c places etc. nt de royal famly also cuz de probly dnt even no any membr of de royal famly

  6. Because they are not suppose to see any body outside the world


  8. They are boring and cost us £70 million a year just to keep them. Time for a revolution.

  9. Becuase they have wised up and realised what the rest of us have known for a longtime.  They are spongers and wasters.  And have no place in modern Britain.

  10. because there boring now. x

  11. If the Brits think the royal family is a tourist attraction, they are denigrating all other reasons why tourists visit Britain.  I am more interested in British law, education, the theatre, literature, history, and culture.  

    Would I visit Britain if the royal family magically disappeared and left unoccupied the palaces and castles?  You bet I would !!!  I would rather spend my time in "legal London" visiting the Inns of Court and the law courts than even being near Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle.   If I go to the theater, do I go there to see a member of the royal family? Heck no!  I go there to see a play.  If I go to Harrod's, do I go there to see if there is a member of the royal family there? No, I go there to buy things.  If I go to Oxford to visit the university, do I go there because a member of the royal family might be visiting at the time?  Not likely.  If I visit the Scottish Highlands, am I going there because there may be a member of the royal family there at the same time?  Really !  What are you people thinking?

  12. becuase they are all posh inbreds which don't actually do much for the country and are only figures of state or whatever you call it

  13. Because the royals have lost their special status.

  14. Anybody who comes to this country on the basis of meeting a member of the royal family is an idiot. There's more chance of me going to Washington DC and bumping into George Dubbya.

  15. = It sort of makes sense that the royal family wouldn't be the #1 draw, but many cultures are very interested in monarchy. Castles and towers are a big draw. The fact that the UK has a living breathing monarchy instead of a historical one probably keeps it relatively high on the list.

    = In the next 12 years it is expected that the number of international tourists will increase by 1/2 billion. A lot of them will be Asians (particularly Chinese). When they come to Europe , what do you think will draw them to one country or the other? Even your article says that Asians are very interested in seeing Buckingham Palace.


    International Tourism Receipts (millions US$) for the top six countries in the world (year 2005).

    $29,204 Germany

    $30,669 United Kingdom

    $35,398 Italy

    $42,276 France

    $47,891 Spain

    $81,680 USA

  16. Because the monarchy is an archaic concept which is of no benefit to the country apart from the circus show it provides to the small number of tourists who do actually care

  17. If i wanted to go see a self elected sponger i'd go see Gordon Brown

  18. The Price of  Admittance £15.00 and £ 28.00 to have a look inside the Palace is terribly Dear, they would want to bring it down a tad. I would think twice  myself  before Parting with the Cash, its a Rip off. I like Prince Charles a lot ,I admire him for  his Opinions about Architecture Art ,Farming Ideas. I do not like the Attitudes of the Royal Family very Stand offish and Remote.

    I was in London in 1984 and I found the People obnoxious and extremely unhelpful. When asking them for Directions they would try and sideline you, duck  and dive to get away from you.  A few were alright though and Civilised enough. The People in other Parts of England are more Friendlier especially the Northern Part ,Lancashire  and Yorkshire. The People in Wales are Lovely no Problem with them at  all.

    I liked London for all the Quirky Shops like Antiques  And different Markets. I was 4 Days in London which meant that I had only two Days completely free for sightseeing and the other Days were spent trying to get my bearings on arrival and the last Day I was leaving on the Train to Swindon for a Wedding.

    It is rather Dear going to Britain, more Cheaper going to France ,Belgium, Netherlands ,or Italy my  Favourite Countries. I will go there again but spend more time  exploring  London, and all those interesting  Towns within 70 Miles of London like Stratford on Avon  etc. I think they should bring their Prices down first and stop trying to Fleece the Tourists. Get Rid of all that Nasty VAT and Taxes on everything.

  19. They seem so common now, not as Regal as they once were.

    Full of affairs, divorce and all.

    The media played on their faults for so long that the rest of the world is tired of hearing about them.

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