
Why are tree huggers quite about China and Cuba drilling for OIL off Florida's coast?

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But they were very vocal about the US company drilling?

A oil spill is a oil spill no matter who's drilling.




  1. because they're developing countries so they have less resourses and ways to replace oil, whereas the US is already a developed nation and has the technology to replace oil with something else.

  2. becuase they are liberals and we all know it is not politically correct to bash any country but the US. After all the US causes all the problems in the whole entire world. Really the liberals just hate the greatest nation on earth

  3. Because they are fellow lefties.  The patriarch of our lefties was Franklin Delanor Roosevelt.  He had the vision to know that Hitler could and should be stopped but  he had no clue about the communists.  He called Joseph Stalin, Uncle Joe. They were close.  His vice president Harry Truman was late in catching on to the commies also.  In volume 2 of his memoirs he (Truman)said that if only Chan Ki Check would only have sat down with Moe te Tung.(OK I have no clue how to spell these names) then he was sure that they could have worked something out.  Keep in mind he wrote this after Moe had taken over China except for Formosa (Taiwan) and he had left office in disgrace.  The left wing media has resurrected Harry's reputation .  Even eloquent right wingers like Sean Hannity who is weak on history before  Reagan, pines for the days when democrats were like Truman.  The Chinese will get their island back and more.  I suspect they will rule the world before this century is up.

  4. I happen to love trees and America. I fought for this country, so don't put me in the same basket as others. I'm tired of some people thinking that "tree huggers" are some evil communist that hates America. First of all, if you don't care about trees, there is something wrong with you, because we need them! Secondly, I'll put my patriotism (9 years active army in field artillery) up against any of you. Get off the "liberals hate America" thing, because it's simply not true. My military experience has taught me a few things...have the moral courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my actions. Obviously, some on here wouldn't know what the heck that means.

    If China and Cuba are acting outside international law, they should be dealt with. WE have our own laws.

  5. Because the tree huggers are funded by their comrades

  6. Here's the answer you want to hear:

    The dirty hippie tree huggers hate America, so as long as other countries and not us drill for oil it's ok according to them.

    The real answer:

    It's less of an environmental issue and more of an issue of international laws that may be getting broken. I'll remind you that one of the reasons that Saddam invaded Kuwait was that they were drilling under the border to get oil that was in Iraqi territory and we don't tend to villianize them for that... I'm not saying that what Cuba is doing here is right, in fact I'm pretty sure that's illegal. Although the environmental concerns are there they aren't as important as the fact that Cuba is doing something in our territory...

    By the way, learn how to spell quiet.

  7. thats 2 years old

  8. who do you think pays for their ads?

  9. Because they really do hate America (and love the socialist/communist of the world).

  10. Because those people want to see socialism spread and the U.S. is often regarded as the most prosperous nation around and so it has to be hindered from staying ahead. Of course if the socialism really happened those same people would not want to be an average joe in that economy but would want government positions so they could have some power and financial advantage over their neighbors.

  11. Because it is only the U S that is bad and pollutes.

  12. Same reason they were quite when the US auctioned off parts of the Artic for drilling

  13. If they are drilling in international waters, we have no say in what they do. Oil wells in the ocean are not all bad. Head for the Gulf Of Mexico some time and see where the fishing boats hang out. The rigs act like artificial reefs and are colonized by assorted plants and invertebrates. Those, in turn, attract the fish. The fish attract the fishermen.

  14. It is how they try to get penance for their hedonistic ways. They yell and shout about all the horrible ways America is destroying the world because they feel guilty that they live so well. That way they can drive home in their Priuses, turn on their A/C have a nice cold bottled water and sleep in their nice cozy beds.

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