
Why are u complaining about high gas prices? Why not just take the bus?

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So tell me your reason why you complain {If you are} about high gas prices? Is it because you can't look like Ice Cube or Snoopy Doggy in your car playing loud music trying to get attention, is it because your too lazy or embarrassed to take the bus to work <-- WHAT'S MORE FUNNY IS YOUR PROBABLY ONLY A 15 MINUTE CAR DRIVE FROM HOME TO WORK WHICH EQUALS A 35 MINUTE BUS RIDE, tell me why? Have you not realized that the high gas prices have nothing to do with the war or anything else, but it's mainly because of the "Greenhouse effect"--->Global Warming! That's why the summer's are hotter and winter's are shorter. So with you driving you put more pollution in the air. Seriously, I hope gas prices never go down and i hope the continue to rise as it has been announced by the end of the summer gas prices will rise again to at least $5.




  1. There is no mass transit where I live. Not all of us live in a city. Without a car here, I&#039;m screwed.

  2. Main cause of global warming = Over-population.

    Nothing doing majorly with fossil fuel, although effects are there...

    That&#039;s why China&#039;s a good example - 1-Child Policy, and switching to Green Cars in such a short period.

    Also, in most parts of urban China, they&#039;re bringing back the bicycles again! Tree planting and forest reserves is also another thing in China...

    They&#039;re also aware of many other things, despite the lack of technology to make China a manageable country...

  3. I dont complain about the high gas prices. In all actuality they are not that high in this country compared to others. I complain about the mileage my Subaru gets 22mpg.

  4. Uh just for your info a LOT of people CANT ride a bus to work as its not even a travel option. For instance people like me who live in the country and who have to drive half an hour almost one way to get into town. Global warming is still not proven to be caused by us.

  5. the bus is crowded, and not comfortable, and the people that ride the bus are rude. You wait forever to get the bus, it&#039;s entirely too slow.

  6. I take the bus everywhere.  For $63 a month i can get unlimited rides most places and discounted prices for other rides.  Not a bad deal.

  7. It&#039;s funny, but I&#039;ve noticed that most of the folks driving the &quot;pimped-out&quot; large full-sized sedans and SUV&#039;s are Section 8, Democrats...constantly at the gas stations!

  8. I got raped in a bus.

  9. What an ignorant person.  If buses could go everywhere a car could, or carry everybody in the city, then sure continue your logic. BTW, global warming does not cause gas prices to rise, business does.

  10. I live here in NYC. We mostly take the bus and subway.  $20 can take me 2 weeks sometimes.

    BUT it isn&#039;t all about the commute.  Because the gas price has risen EVERYTHING has risen - even my pizza.


    But agree with you that we need to cut back on the use of fossil fuel (and already have).

    Good Luck...

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