
Why are u up at 5:22am this morning?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering what is causing ppl to be on this early




  1. Well there are different time zones in different countries so england and america are very different!!!

  2. why are u

  3. Because I don't sleep, I am a vampire.

  4. It's only 2:30 here.

    And I don't have class until noon.

  5. my dog woke me up throwing up.  cleaned up the mess and let her out.  now i just want to watch her and make sure she's ok.

    why are you up?

  6. I'm working the graveyard shift at a hotel.  Hardly anything ever happens and I have internet access.

  7. Think we must be 5hrs ahead of you in England cuz its half 10 in the morn & I dont have work today, which is great cuz its a gorgeous hot sunny day B-)

  8. its 7:30 pm here

  9. Its 4:30 am here, i'm working third shift at a casino.

  10. im in california, its 2:30am.  i cant sleep, plus im bored.  im also a "nightowl"

  11. Because it is 10.30 a.m. in the UK.

  12. I work nightshift in a hospital.

  13. It's 4:30 here.  

    I stay up all night.  I've done it for years.  I sleep in the morning while my daughter's at school.

    I just feel better being awake at night.  It feels like if anything's going to happen, it will be when it's dark out and it would be better to be awake.

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