
Why are ufo reports still being not talked about on tv?

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i mean it sucks .




  1. you have a very boring life.

  2. Because it is immagginnarrryyyy

  3. Because the news organizations have been taken over by the aliens and they don't want the word to get out that we are not alone and that anal probes are not needed but they are fun.

  4. I'm not sure, but they are real. The universe is too large and expansive for us to be alone.

  5. No one really cares about ufo's right now.

    Unless there was something significant to happen.

    I don't think anyone wants to know about some old lady who thinks she got abducted.

  6. I see programs about UFOs on TV all the time and they are usually ridiculous.

  7. because it is a total BS! Watch movies if you are into that.

  8. Probably because this is a subject banned by the governments. Just recently, Dr Edgar Mitchel, one of the first NASA astronauts to walk on the moon confirmed that aliens do exist, and that we have been visited several times by them. Personally, I have never seen an UFO, but with so many stories coming from different parts of the world, it is hard to believe that this is all a huge lie. Large groups of people have seen unexplainable light movement in the skies that were captured and broadcasted on TV all over the world. So what? Other people will never believe in it, unless they saw it with their own eyes. Let's put it this way: If a large flying saucer was to land in your backyard, and all of your neighbourhood would witness this, and film it, who would believe you? Nobody (almost), apart from those who have witnessed it. Unfortunately, human beings will always deny anything that is "unusual", "extraordinary", and without explanation. Yet, human beingas can not even explain the origin of matter. Matter just simply "popped up" for them, right? How? Why? There are certainly *many more* things between heaven and Earth that we can not explain - and it doesn't mean that what can not be explained can not be real.

  9. Most of the world is too busy to pay attention to what most people consider a big joke. The higher authorities feel that while the world is currently at war with itself or who knows what else, that they should ignore such 'ridiculous' issues. I personally can't say I am superstitious or believe in such oddities, but I do believe that when presented with facts and research or possibly get carried away by my imagination that there is truth to be looked at. So most societies try to downsize the effect of bizarre episode as to not taint their image.

  10. get your daily updates here then.....

  11. Because well maybe some people havent seen any?

  12. I would laugh if they did. But they still make mmovies about Aliens.

  13. because they are bogus

  14. well most ufo reports have diminished after nukes we developed... maybe they lost intrest and value their lives

  15. First of all, they are.  Many local stations run uncritical reports of people's claims.  If they reported real news with that kind of attention to relevant facts, they'd lose their licenses.  But I suppose when it comes to nonsense, news programs can report it any way they want.

    Fox is famous for this.  I have seen a couple of their reports which are so stupid I couldn't imagine how anyone in their news department would even consider them.  One of them featured a guy who saw nothing more than jet contrails in the glow of the setting sun.  He did it right in front of the camera.  And they STILL aired it!!  Anybody with more than a 6th grade education should have walked away laughing at the stupidity of the man, but not FOX NEWS!  Anything for ratings.  It's all a matter of hype and getting people to watch.  They don't give a d**n what anybody thinks except their sponsors.

  16. its a conspiracy man!

  17. Because they don't exist and IF they do, there is nothing to talk about

  18. because they are still a nono with govt and that is how it will stay for long time dearie.

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