
Why are unqualified people allowed to have government posts?

by Guest64907  |  earlier

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By unqualified, I mean not having the general public's interests at heart, or seeming to only want another feather for their hat.




  1. .Short answer is friends, relatives,politics, favors, pay backs and everything similar

  2. It's not what you know, it's who you know when it comes to any government job.  That why everything is so screwed up.

    Best answer you will get, short and to the point.

  3. Unqualified people are elected to government posts by uninformed voters who make decisions based on unintelligent choice.     -RKO-  08/25/07

  4. because unqualified citizens vote them in hmnnnnnn George Bush???

  5. If only the qualified were hired/elected, there would be nobody in Washington.  The qualified people stay in the real world with a real job to make lots of $$$.  with the blessing of the unqualified in the form of tax breaks.

  6. YOUR SHOULD ASK YOURSELF THAT QUESTION!! YOUR THE ONE VOTING THEM INTO OFFICE!! argh americans dont you know that your the government!!??

  7. But how would you know that, they could say they do, and then don't.

    Just like all the Presidential candidates who promise the mooon, and never deliver.

  8. Same reason as why can loosers, dead s***s have the right to vote. We live in a democratic country and that is the way things are done. Dont like system; become a pollitician and change laws

  9. Goverment favors and currupt poeple. That guy Browny worked to get W elected. So he got a good job he was not cut out for.

  10. because  the ones who meet those standerds so not run for office.

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