
Why are vehicles designed to have drivers opposite from the curbside?

by  |  earlier

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No matter where in the world, that I've seen, the drivers are always on the "outside", passengers are curbside. Why is this?




  1. To prevent head-on collision.

    If the steering wheels were on the other side, more cars would end up clipping each other on narrow 2 way streets.

    Good Luck...

  2. carpool lanes at public places, but good point, if it was otherside we could check mail w/o leaving our car

  3. So you can see to pass when your on a two lane road, if you were sitting by the curb you wouldn't be able to see past other vehicles especially if it was a van or bigger.

  4. I never thought about it before, but I would guess it's because the driver then has a better view of the road, especially oncoming traffic.

  5. think of it this way

    most drivers tend to stay to the right of a lane so where they sit is centered.since this is what most do we would have a lot more head on collisions and clipping if the driver was curbside

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