
Why are violent gangs such as MS13 not classified as terrorist organizations?

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Why are violent gangs such as MS13 not classified as terrorist organizations?




  1. Mistakes that people do. Incorrect clasifications

    I think that somebody was trying to make them labeled as such

  2. All these gangs should be considered as terrorists and there should be more protection from the police, hire more!!! And MS13 needs to have most of their members deported on a one way ticket never to return!!!! Guess they are hard working and only want a better life too!!

  3. Becuase they are just that.....a gang! they're plan isn't to kill off Americans. They're plan is to run drugs and prove themselves to other gangs. But if you get in their way, they'll get rid of you.

  4. Hey thebig

    If you find it insulting to have someone point out that you are wrong about something, then I think you should grow up.Nothing that lady said had anything to do do with communism(btw,you spelled it wrong)and that made it evident to me that you must be ignorant to what communism is.If you are insulted by finding out you are wrong about something,I am certain you are insulted constantly.

    But I was wondering if anybody on YA finds you to be as petty and childish as I do to report me for abuse.

    I am devastated by the loss of those points.I hope I can recover from this somehow

  5. My suspicion is because it's politically incorrect; it would offend the illegal aliens

    Our government is so incompetant. Obviously, they care more about not offending illegal aliens than protecting the American people (isn't it their constitutional duty to protect us?).

  6. They should be if they're not.  And btw did you know Ms13 was started in LosAngeles? I didn't either until I read about it. They started as a group to protect the people but the power went to their heads. They named themselfs after a rebel force in Colombia that fought against the regime. But then they turned bad. Really bad. I don't like them.

  7. Because the State Department defines terrorism as premeditated politically motivated violence against non-combatants.

    MS13 is a criminal gang. Their violence is not aimed at influencing political opinions or governments through enticing fear in its populace. Nor are they organized with the purpose of destroying a government.

    Gotta love all those WMD classes I have to take every year.

  8. They are now!

  9. Because they are just ignorant uneducated punks with no regard for life and low self esteem.

    Gangs already have their own classification and present totally different problems and require special procedures to fight them.

  10. very simple, they are NOT terrorists!

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