
Why are voice votes allowed in Congress?

by Guest64444  |  earlier

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Doesn't it seem like it's a way to get around having a record on important issues. Wasn't the USA PATRIOT Act passed by voice vote? Now all politicans that were present could claim they felt either way on the issue. What about for small issues like naming a post office.




  1. it's quicker and easier

  2. To save trees.

  3. Voice votes are used for two reasons.  One being a way to easily get everything done, and the second is a way for people to vote on legislation that may not be popular, and no one will have record of them doing it.

    Just remember, the House is electronic, and the Senate is not.  So it is much easier for the Senators to stand up and say Yay or nay.

    The naming of Post Offices is usually done in the Senate mostly, and if you look, it usually passes with little to no objection.  These are done with  majority building, and as a rule of procedure, the Senator who is from the state is usually given the ability to change it, regardless of what other states think.

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