
Why are we ALWAYS in a recession during a Presidential election yr when the sitting President is a Republican?

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Ever notice how this works? EVERY 4 years when there's a Republican in the White House we listen to the same mantras:

1 - The economy is terrible!,

2 - This is the WORST RECESSION since the Great Depression!, and

3 - Vote for US - WE'LL make you FEEL good again!.

I just love that the wacky far-left wingers NEVER, EVER give up on their favorite theme: Class Warfare. Read: Those Evil People Over There have nicer things than you do and it's all at YOUR EXPENSE; so you should elect us and we'll represent you against Those Evil People Over There.

This, folks, is political cynicism at its finest! The Democrat Party represents the little guy about as much as the Tooth Fairy represents functioning reality.

You ever wonder why wacky far-left "liberals" can't understand why so many regular folks vote for The Evil Republicans? After all, said "liberals" CARE about the little guy; they FEEL his pain. Sure they do! NOT! Which is why SO MANY regular folks want nothing to do with them!




  1. Herbert Hoover was a Republican and his Democrat-esque fiscal policies drove us into the Great Depression. But while FDR was President we came out of it, thanks to World War II not thanks to the New Deal...

  2. Liberals think we will all just join hands and sing Kumbaya LOL

    Well Kumbaya aint really gonna pay for my bills now will it.

  3. Let's get rid of all politics and political parties. I think it has been historically proven they are worthless. George Washington didn't want them, and neither do I. I say we put a hobo into office, he'd do a better job than anyone running right now.

    Stinky Bob 08'!!!

  4. WE had a recession in 2000 with dot com bubble also. But this is not about that. Obama or McCain, i really don't see anyone bringing real solutions that help the average American. Gas is 5 dollars, health care can only be describe as "capitalism" at its finest, and that unpopular war in which we know we can't ourselves out of, plus the continuing mis management of funds by government and corporates treasuries.

    Many if not most businesses are recording record sales figures and increase demand but the only people allowed to make money in this economy are those who control your existence like health and oil. The entrepreneurs biggest fear is not his continuing operational activity but his rising costs.

  5. the economy is bad right now, come to south Florida and see how many houses are foreclosed, jobs are scarce.  if it happens always after a long republican administration then maybe it really is the administration and not just media hype.  it really is tough here right now.

  6. Wow!  You didn't study!  The country was in a recession when (evil Republican) Regan ran for office...remember?  That is what he ran on and was successful in becoming President.

    Stop generalizing.

  7. There was no recession in 1984, when Reagan was running for re-election, nor was there a recession in 2004 when Bush ran for re-election.

  8. Because only Democrats can bring about a Depression...and a Great Depression at that!

    Think that's it?  Obama winning the Democratic Primary because of Delegate Votes over Hillary's Popular Vote only legitimizes the Supreme Court decision of 2000 and Bush's Presidency...wasn't that the same arguement back then?

    Oh, and how can we forget the Disenfranchised Voters issue?  How many Democrats are going to cry that one...especially since it's not only two states larger, but involves the entire national Democratic Party due to Super Delegates?

    And why is it that Bush's Tax Cuts only help the Rich, but if you look at historical tax information, a Single Individual making $30K/year is taxed higher by Clinton than by Bush? 

    See the URL below and note...28% under Clinton in 2000 and 15% under Bush in 2008!

  9. Excellent question!!!

    The “recession” mantra is a standard tool in the socialist playbook.  It evinces the masterful propaganda offensive typical of the Left. An recession is defined as three (some say two) consecutive quarters of economic decline. The US, under George Bush has not seen one. It is true that over the past year the per/quarter rate of growth has been less than expected by so-called experts but it has still been growing. But in the socialist playbook it is common knowledge that people who are generally content with their personal situation, their future and their government is not prone to support a radical agenda. Therefore they must be made to see themselves and others as actually quite miserable. And the wonder is that even those who are enjoying a good deal of prosperity are now convinced through constant repetition of the “recession” theme, that perhaps they really are in or nearing destitution, and they know that other unknown persons are.

    This is akin to walking into a part where everyone is enjoying themselves and managing to take a picture of the lone individual sitting in a corner crying. Should that be the only image of the event one would be at a considerable disadvantage in convincing persons not in attendance that this really was a joyous affair. And this is why the Left concentrates on creating just such an image. Over time, with no real opposition (particularly from Republicans) everyone becomes convinced that the economy that is growing is actually in recession.

  10. wrong!

    late 70's , during democrat carter, one of the worse ones!!

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