
Why are we Americans, so eager to give our money to terrorist sponsoring countries.?

by  |  earlier

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I found that going 60 mph on the interstate saves alot of gas, if we learned how to conserve and make every drop count, the consumption of oil would slow. Not using your air conditioning in your car saves money. I old enough to remember the oil crisis in the early 80's. I would really like to know why we don't educate ourselves, how to save every penny. think about how we can make oil not our number 1 fuel. I know, there's someone in this great country that think of a way to do it. It's our future. Hydrogen can be used as a fuel, and we throw away a lot of it. Metane is all over the ocean's floor we need someone to think of a way to get it. I know we can do it!




  1. I used to watch myth busters and they did a test to see if turning on your air conditioning affected your gas millage or not. If you turn on your air conditioning while doing in town driving yes it takes more gas. But turning it on when going down open roads at say 60 mph saves gas. Because if you have your windows open going down the road at 60mph the air flow through the car pulls on the car making it use more gas then it would if you just ran the ac instead.

  2. Guess who bought up all the  Hydrogen producing facilities in the USA?    the  BIG oil companies!

    Because big oil companies have a huge infrastructure already in place for diesel and gasoline.  They are not about to change it for nothing.

    We won't  see very much done with H2 because big oil won't allow it.

  3. before you make generalizations about fuel economy, and what affects it and to what extent, you need to do some testing. for instance i have had three cars powered by six cylinder engines, and they all got an average of 20mpg on the freeway, a/c on or off, windows up or down, 55mph or 75mph it made no real difference. these cars were a 64 falcon, a 66 falcon, and an 80 fairmont wagon. i also have a 66 mustang with a V8, and you would think that it would get worse mileage because of the V8, but you would be wrong. in fact on the freeway it would get 25mpg, again running 55mph or 75mph, it made no difference.

    this is not indicative of all cars though, some do better at slower speeds, some at higher speeds. the point here is you have to experiment with your car to see what is best. and dont forget that driving style has much to do with fuel economy as well.

    as for hydrogen, yes it can be used as a fuel, and in fuel cells to make electricity, but the conversion isnt inexpensive at this point, and the infrastructure isnt in place for hydrogen powered vehicles.

    as for methane, yes it is available, and in fairly large quatities, but getting to it isnt going to be cheap either.

    our energy needs are going to have to be met in the future with several sources of energy, not just one or two. and our motor vehicles are going to have to use more than one or two kinds of fuel to make it happen.

  4. Amen to all of it!  We should all be doing so much more to reduce our personal use of carbon-based products, including plastics, processed foods (packaged in plastic), etc.  It's too easy to sit back and blame the government for not investing.  Sadly, we are allowing our country to be run by a bunch of folks who are more concerned about guaranteeing a steady supply of crude and spreading democracy (ha!) than with preserving the future of this country and the planet.  While the brain trusts figure out how to tap the methane and make alternative fuels economically viable (for the average person), it's up to each of us to make squeeze every bit we can from what we do use.  

    Sometimes it takes a crisis before real change comes about.  Maybe this recession will make a difference, painful as it has been for many.

  5. *sigh* Research my friend..Think of all the car compainies and gas stations, ok?  Thats thousands of companies, if you take oil away that means ALL gas stations have to switch ALL car companies have to switch over, boils down to money and politics.

  6. We have plenty of oil in ANWR and off the coast.  We just lack the political will to get it.

  7. DO you realize the logistics of what your saying.. The cost of hydrogen power is economically unsustainable... As for your comment on 'turning of the air-con'... lol - that's going to make a big difference.

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