
Why are we advised to take our lenses and wear glasses during flight?

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Why are we advised to take our lenses and wear glasses during flight?




  1. I have never been asked to take my lenses out during flight, but most of the time I choose to. The air is very dry in aircraft and it often dries out my contacts, so I choose to wear my glasses.

  2. I've never had that problem as a passenger or as a pilot. I wear contacts and have never experienced a problem. Besides, I hate glasses. And if I wear those, I can't wear my cool shades...

  3. the lenses can explode during de-compression and blind u

  4. Who asks you to do that?  The only reason I can think of is that the air is much dryer in the upper atmosphere and that is where we get the air to breathe.  So the air in the airplane is going to be dryer which can cause your contacts to dry out faster that on the ground.

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