
Why are we afraid of police?

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many times i have noticed,police r threatenin us durin nite times and also they r ordering us to do things? why it is so? that too in places like market or during festival times, they r still mre arrogant?and also they r not wearin helmets,enterin no entry,voilating traffic rules.who will question them?




  1. Since you can barely type, I'm assuming you're not from the US so I can't relate to your issues because I'm not afraid of the police and never would be.

    They've helped me and my neighbors out many, many times.

    The only people that fear police are people that are not doing what they should be doing or are planning on doing something they shouldn't be other words, criminals.

  2. very simple everyone is afraid og goondas and the police are goonda in uniform with legal powers. so,they are super goondas

  3. This BALLSY tax payer is not afraid of police nor do I allow myself to treated unjustly treated by rogue cops.  

  4. Because they have guns and a badge

  5. Because they are gun carrying meat-heads! I am not trying to get shot or whatever else they would do.

  6. due to their insulting and rough behaviour and corrupt practice and without any reasonable reason third degree policy general public afraid of police on other hand public doesn't have knowledge of law so that public afraid.

  7. The only reason some one might be afraid of the police, is if they got something to hide... I am NOT afraid of the police.

  8. because they are not acting as public protectors, but they are eating the public money by creating their own rules to cheat public, they have a very bad habbit without proper investigation they start to beat the public.

    they are the worst , dangerous blood sucking people, even bank people afraid to give bank loan for them.

    once i had a experience , when i was travelling in train local boggie (general compartment) from chennai to bangalore, the compartment was so rush even u can't go for toilet, in that case i went to sleeper coach for toilet in bangarpet station, then suddenly railway police came and caught me without asking anything with me . i toled my problem. but he is not listening, then i showed my driving licence and train ticket, he teared and throwed my driving licence and beated me and forced me to push from the train and threatened me to beat once again and finally he and his another collegaue police pulked Rs 200/ from me . because of them i have suffer with out food for one day.

    these type of worst people are police.

    but sure 10 out of 100 are good people. example i met 2 people in chennai they were good and they told they are trying to remove the bad marks of police department,

  9. I thought Yahoo Answers monitors rude comments, such as calling the person asking the question a "thug"?  

    We should not be afraid of the police and you can question the practices of the police.  Actually, citizens questioning the practices of the police changes the daily operations of the police departments, so it has a dramatic effect.  If you react with the same type of personality trait though, i.e. authoritarian, then it could escalate a conflict with the police.  Remember the police are "one" voice in society, not "the" voice, and the people are the ones who have given their rights over to the police.

    Understand that most training officers have is not geared towards conflict resolution and understanding the socio-psychological factors involved in human interaction.  It still amazes me that people do not question the structure of the State.  Simply from a historical perspective, many nations have at some point turned against its citizens if given the power.

  10. I noticed a board in Gurgoan- "Police janta ki sevak hai sasak nahi" But It's not True, It must be "Police janta ki sasak hai sevak nahi"

    They want to make money from innocent people.

    They drink on duty.

    They Misuse their power.

    They use what kind of language.

  11. because they can give us a ticket regardless if we did anything or not

    those are the corrupt ones

    otherwise they are cool.

  12. Very simple,man.Aren't you aware of the most famous and memorable quote attributed to Lord Acton which

    goes "POWER TENDS TO CORRUPT AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY"?These few words speak volumes and account for most of the high handed acts of  almost all the people in

    power.And the police are way down the line in the hierarchy or the echelons of power.The usual phrase is

    "to put the fear of God into someone".In today's world

    the phrase should be modified to "put the fear of the police into someone".

  13. Because you might get tazered to death when encountering one?

    Not all cops are bad, but over the years, the public has been given more than enough reasons to fear them.

  14. People have a fear of Police for many different reasons.  Some are told as little children, (Be good and eat your peas or I will call the cops and you will go to jail) Some children see Police arresting their parents and look at the police as the bad guy. When we are young we see and hear alot of misreppesentation about the police. Most police officers are just doing their jobs, if the police are called because you have your music up to loud, they cant just say to the complainer, sorry put plugs in your ear and go to sleep.  No, they have to go to your house and annoy you.  Im sure most police dont like answering to the complaint any more than you like recieving it. We as a community need to stop bothering the police with silly complaints, like the dog next door pooped in my yard.  You need to teach young ones to respect the Police.  

  15. I am afraid of cops because a lot of them are power hungry, over worked, bullies. I had a situation were I was in the right but the cop didn't believe me. I was punished for doing nothing but being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have friends that are cops that really do a great job but there are more bad then good ones.

  16. We are afraud of police becuase if we pis* them off they can give us ticketsand vioplations and fines galore!!

  17. you dont question them and unless your an idiot you shoudnt be afraid of them... but say someone had weed or something illegal in there car if they knew that 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments of the bill of rights there is no way the cop can get to that

    they dont have rights to serch your car w.o warrant, propable cause -it smells like weed, or you giving them permission-dont

    im not afraid of them because they only help make the world better.... there are some unconstitutional laws they unfortunately have to enforce ... but hey thats there job... talk to your gov. about that

  18. What do you mean 'We" ???

    I have never been afraid of the police.  The police are good, they are there to protect us.  The only reason to fear them is if you are up to no good.  What are you up to?

  19. We have experienced police as uniformed goondas. They cannot change simply because poiwer corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Some senior police officials who try to change the image of police end up posted in a inconsequent place. So learn to live with them by remaining at the right side of the law of the land.

  20. Sorry I am not "afraid" of any police.  They are there to protect us.  Perhaps protect us from thugs such as yourself?

  21. You have little to fear from the regular police. But if you see the grammar police coming, run like the wind.  

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